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Collection of tasks for the discipline "based on administrative management"
Task 1
1. General functions for planning and control are:
1) The need for timely, accurate information;
2) The need for specific information;
3) Both statements
2. The organizational life cycle does not include:
1) Fall.
2) decline.
3) Elimination.
3 .Prichina conflict - is:
1) opposing motives subjects interaction;
2) The set of circumstances that cause conflict;
3) events, situations that precede conflict.
4.Klassicheskaya (administrative) in the management of the school was aimed at
1) Consideration of the administrator as a profession.
2) creation of a new management style.
3) the establishment of the universal principles of governance
5.Kakovo optimal number of subordinates?
1) 15-30
2) 7 - 12 people.
3) 3 - 5 people
Task 2
1. Control - are:
1) Identification of the state of the control object in the given time.
2) Identification of the state of the control object for certain periods of time.
3) Activities aimed at the analysis of the internal environment of the organization.
2. Management - is:
1) Control of the whole.
2) Management of any system.
3) Management of a business organization in a market economy.
3. One of the main administrative management is:
1) Creation of a favorable social climate in the organization.
2) Development of effective organizational systems.
3) The study of conflict management and stress.
4. The founder of the administrative management school is:
1) Weber.
2) J. Mooney.
3) A. Fayolle.
5. What principles of management singled A. Fayolle?
1) 10.
2) 14.
3) 12.
Activity 3
1. What form of administrative organization of representatives of the school management is considered ideal?
1) linear.
2) a divisional.
3) bureaucratic.
2. The second name of the administrative management of the school is:
1) School of Scientific Management.
2) Quantification school.
3) Classical School.
3.Kto of the following research does not apply to members of the administrative management of the school?
1) E. Mayo.
2) Weber.
3) A. Fayolle.
4. On how major groups can be divided into the totality of control laws?
1) On 5.
2) 2.
3) 3.
5.General assumed control laws:
1) relating to specific sections of the administrative activity.
2) to disclose the nature and essence of administrative work.
3) The economic laws.
Task 4
1. Administrative dysfunction - a pre-planned activities:
2. Conflict situation - is:
1) random collision of interests of the subjects;
2) the accumulated contradictions activity;
confrontation to clarify the relationship.
3. Incident - is:
1) coincidence, as a reason for conflict
2) the real cause of the conflict;
3) the accumulated contradictions.
4. For any characteristic of conflict causes: violation of group norms; Low training;
1) Lack of internal installation status:
2) The conflict between the administration and staff;
3) the conflict between the ordinary employee and team;
4) the conflict between departments within the organization.
5.Osnovnymi causes of the conflict between the manager and the staff are
1) management style, low expertise;
2) the impact of microgroups and their leaders;
3) negative assessment by the head of the senior management
.Zadanie 5
1.K what species the conflict which is characterized in that it faced two persons, it is based on the objective contradictions?
1.mezhlichnostnomu rapid and fleeting;
2) interpersonal, constructive;
interpersonal, economic.
Task 1
1. General functions for planning and control are:
1) The need for timely, accurate information;
2) The need for specific information;
3) Both statements
2. The organizational life cycle does not include:
1) Fall.
2) decline.
3) Elimination.
3 .Prichina conflict - is:
1) opposing motives subjects interaction;
2) The set of circumstances that cause conflict;
3) events, situations that precede conflict.
4.Klassicheskaya (administrative) in the management of the school was aimed at
1) Consideration of the administrator as a profession.
2) creation of a new management style.
3) the establishment of the universal principles of governance
5.Kakovo optimal number of subordinates?
1) 15-30
2) 7 - 12 people.
3) 3 - 5 people
Task 2
1. Control - are:
1) Identification of the state of the control object in the given time.
2) Identification of the state of the control object for certain periods of time.
3) Activities aimed at the analysis of the internal environment of the organization.
2. Management - is:
1) Control of the whole.
2) Management of any system.
3) Management of a business organization in a market economy.
3. One of the main administrative management is:
1) Creation of a favorable social climate in the organization.
2) Development of effective organizational systems.
3) The study of conflict management and stress.
4. The founder of the administrative management school is:
1) Weber.
2) J. Mooney.
3) A. Fayolle.
5. What principles of management singled A. Fayolle?
1) 10.
2) 14.
3) 12.
Activity 3
1. What form of administrative organization of representatives of the school management is considered ideal?
1) linear.
2) a divisional.
3) bureaucratic.
2. The second name of the administrative management of the school is:
1) School of Scientific Management.
2) Quantification school.
3) Classical School.
3.Kto of the following research does not apply to members of the administrative management of the school?
1) E. Mayo.
2) Weber.
3) A. Fayolle.
4. On how major groups can be divided into the totality of control laws?
1) On 5.
2) 2.
3) 3.
5.General assumed control laws:
1) relating to specific sections of the administrative activity.
2) to disclose the nature and essence of administrative work.
3) The economic laws.
Task 4
1. Administrative dysfunction - a pre-planned activities:
2. Conflict situation - is:
1) random collision of interests of the subjects;
2) the accumulated contradictions activity;
confrontation to clarify the relationship.
3. Incident - is:
1) coincidence, as a reason for conflict
2) the real cause of the conflict;
3) the accumulated contradictions.
4. For any characteristic of conflict causes: violation of group norms; Low training;
1) Lack of internal installation status:
2) The conflict between the administration and staff;
3) the conflict between the ordinary employee and team;
4) the conflict between departments within the organization.
5.Osnovnymi causes of the conflict between the manager and the staff are
1) management style, low expertise;
2) the impact of microgroups and their leaders;
3) negative assessment by the head of the senior management
.Zadanie 5
1.K what species the conflict which is characterized in that it faced two persons, it is based on the objective contradictions?
1.mezhlichnostnomu rapid and fleeting;
2) interpersonal, constructive;
interpersonal, economic.