0.39 $
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Module Input / registration OpenID and Loginza
Sign in with accounts of social networks, Google, Yandex and others.
Easy installation and configuration
Connected Russian language
Tested on an internet store
Installation and setup in the archive
Caution The module will only work when you turn on PHP-modules: allow_url_fopen and JSON! Otherwise, I can not help you any.
Sign in with accounts of social networks, Google, Yandex and others.
Easy installation and configuration
Connected Russian language
Tested on an internet store
Installation and setup in the archive
Caution The module will only work when you turn on PHP-modules: allow_url_fopen and JSON! Otherwise, I can not help you any.
Caution The module will only work when you turn on PHP-modules: allow_url_fopen and JSON! Otherwise, I can not help you any.