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Responses to test the Open Institute of Law for the program Unitest c letter T on the label and for the program Test Client.

Answers to tests OYUI latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.

The questions in the test, option 1:

1. The subject of municipal law - is

??obschestvennye relations arising in the process of organization and activities of local governments in urban and rural settlements and other municipalities

??sovokupnost relations arising in the implementation of the population of the right to local self-government, the formation of local self-government and the exercise of their powers in the interests of the municipality

??odnorodnye relations arising in the implementation of the population of the right to local self-government

??otnosheniya municipal service in the local government system, and the relationship of local governments and public authorities

2. The method of regulation of municipal law, borrowed from private law, is

??imperativnym method

??dispozitivnym method

??metodom recommendations

??metodom guarantees

3. Local self-government in Europe has evolved uniquely. The ratio of state and government structures to govern the country in the field was reflected in the legislation. Which of the following state-government acts, along with the reform of local government, for the first time clearly defined the structure of its bodies and the powers of the state in this area?

??Hartiya London, England, 1129

??Polozhenie of provincial and district zemstvo institutions, Russia, 1864

??Gorodskoy charter of Prussia, 1808

??Zakon "The rights and freedoms of local groups", France, 1982

4. The municipal authority has a number of features and inherent public authorities. Which of the following attributes not relevant to them?

??Osuschestvlenie the legislature

??Chetko expressed institutionalized nature of power

??Nalichie specific separate powerful machine

??Samostoyatelnoe budgeting

5. Which of the theories explaining the essence of the local government, based on the antagonism of the state and the community, based on the opposition of public interest and political recognition of the state and society the right to manage their own affairs only?

??Teoriya free community

??Hozyaystvennaya theory

??Politicheskaya theory

??Gosudarstvennaya theory

6. Zemstvo - it

??organ local government in Tsarist Russia

??vyborny self-governing authority, assumes the administrative and economic, financial, tax and police and judicial functions

??sovokupnost residents geographically isolated areas, solving issues of local economy, as well as management of the affairs of the area through meetings, assemblies, popular referendum

??sovokupnost local residents and local interest in the development of the local economy, communications, medicine, education and the management of these cases by the elected representatives of the population

Variant 2:

1. Integrated branch of law that regulates relations in the sphere of local government, is ... right.





2. The subject of municipal law - is:

??sovokupnost public relations arising in the implementation of the power of public administration

??vysshie value of human civilization, covering various aspects of social life

??obschestvennye relations arising in connection with the management of state and social affairs

??odnorodnye relations arising in the implementation of the population of the right to local self-government

3. Date of adoption of the European Charter of Local Self-Government:

??12 October 1982 g

??28 February 1985 r

Mr. ??1987

??15 October 1985 g

4. The current Law On General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation was adopted in:

Mr. ??1998

Mr. ??1995

Mr. ??2003

Mr. ??2002

5. The independence of local authorities within their powers established by Article ... of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.





6. According to the theory of self-government ... - superintendence of the affairs of this society.





7. L. Stein and R. Gneyst ... are the creators of the theory.





8. According to the theory ... municipalities, carrying out administrative functions go beyond local issues.


??sotsialnogo Service



9. The representative bodies of local self-government in the Russian Empire in the second half of the nineteenth century. called:

??gubernskimi or county meetings

??uezdnymi or zemstvo assemblies

??uezdnymi or provincial boards

??zemskimi or county governments

10. The date of adoption of the law on general principles of local government and the local economy in the USSR is:

Mr. ??1993

Mr. ??1990

Mr. ??1991

Mr. ??1995


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