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Responses to test the Open Institute of Law are in a file word, all three versions of the test, in Vol. 2014.
Answer format: question -> answer options -> marked by the correct answer.
Answers to tests OYUI latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.
The questions in the test:
According to Article 42 of the Constitution to environmental human rights concerns:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "Closed-functional single set of organisms inhabiting a common territory and capable of continued existence in the fully closed cycle of matter"?
Environmental law - is:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "A method of legal impact through legislative fastening elements of the ecological system of the Russian Federation that are relevant to the legal regulation, the structure of government, the circle ekologopolzovateley, establishing the right ekologopolzovaniya using the imperative and the disposition approach"?
The principles of environmental law include:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "The set of legal rules governing similar narrow range of public relations in the field of environmental law"?
In the direction of legal regulation of all sources of environmental law are divided into:
Subjects of private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership of natural resources are:
The right of disposal of the owner of land and natural objects is as follows:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "a set of rights and responsibilities ekologopolzovateley, the performance of which depends on the past"?
Depending on the object right ekologopolzovaniya ekologopolzovaniya can be:
The emergence of the right ekologopolzovaniya can have the following reasons:
Grounds for termination of the right ekologopolzovaniya is:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "A certain normative acts of the competent authorities, aimed at preserving the natural ecological systems and natural resource management in order to ensure favorable conditions for human life"?
The principle of a combination of state regulation of the local self-government is:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "The complex is performed under scientifically sound surveillance programs evaluations, forecasts, and developed based on these recommendations and options for management decisions, the necessary and sufficient to ensure and control the state of the environment and ecological safety"?
The subject of environmental offenses are:
Version 2014 .:
Environmental quality standards characterize:
For the protection and accounting of rare and endangered soils are established:
The collection of data on the quantitative and qualitative state of natural objects, their economic importance is reflected in the
The ratio of maximum permissible discharge of harmful substances into water, set for the facility, belongs to the group
The importation to Russia of irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors is carried out on the basis of:
Damage, loss of profit, non-pecuniary damage are integral parts:
Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" came into force in:
Administrative and criminal liability of individuals for environmental offenses comes with
The types of environmental offenses are
Laws that criminalize environmental crimes are contained in
Objects that have a negative impact on the environment (OS), and data on their impact on the environment are subject to:
For legal entities for violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection is established:
For ecocide provides for liability:
Relations arising in the course of activities related to keeping wild animals in captivity, is regulated by:
Answer format: question -> answer options -> marked by the correct answer.
Answers to tests OYUI latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.
The questions in the test:
According to Article 42 of the Constitution to environmental human rights concerns:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "Closed-functional single set of organisms inhabiting a common territory and capable of continued existence in the fully closed cycle of matter"?
Environmental law - is:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "A method of legal impact through legislative fastening elements of the ecological system of the Russian Federation that are relevant to the legal regulation, the structure of government, the circle ekologopolzovateley, establishing the right ekologopolzovaniya using the imperative and the disposition approach"?
The principles of environmental law include:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "The set of legal rules governing similar narrow range of public relations in the field of environmental law"?
In the direction of legal regulation of all sources of environmental law are divided into:
Subjects of private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership of natural resources are:
The right of disposal of the owner of land and natural objects is as follows:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "a set of rights and responsibilities ekologopolzovateley, the performance of which depends on the past"?
Depending on the object right ekologopolzovaniya ekologopolzovaniya can be:
The emergence of the right ekologopolzovaniya can have the following reasons:
Grounds for termination of the right ekologopolzovaniya is:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "A certain normative acts of the competent authorities, aimed at preserving the natural ecological systems and natural resource management in order to ensure favorable conditions for human life"?
The principle of a combination of state regulation of the local self-government is:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "The complex is performed under scientifically sound surveillance programs evaluations, forecasts, and developed based on these recommendations and options for management decisions, the necessary and sufficient to ensure and control the state of the environment and ecological safety"?
The subject of environmental offenses are:
Version 2014 .:
Environmental quality standards characterize:
For the protection and accounting of rare and endangered soils are established:
The collection of data on the quantitative and qualitative state of natural objects, their economic importance is reflected in the
The ratio of maximum permissible discharge of harmful substances into water, set for the facility, belongs to the group
The importation to Russia of irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors is carried out on the basis of:
Damage, loss of profit, non-pecuniary damage are integral parts:
Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" came into force in:
Administrative and criminal liability of individuals for environmental offenses comes with
The types of environmental offenses are
Laws that criminalize environmental crimes are contained in
Objects that have a negative impact on the environment (OS), and data on their impact on the environment are subject to:
For legal entities for violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection is established:
For ecocide provides for liability:
Relations arising in the course of activities related to keeping wild animals in captivity, is regulated by:
Test Version 3:
1. Human Ecology - is
??nauka Habitats
??ponyatie indicated in the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection"
??spetsialnaya biological science of the relationship between living organisms (including humans) with one another and the environment
??izuchenie human exposure to both natural and socio-economic factors of the environment
2. What does the term "ecology"?
??Vozdeystvie person both natural and socio-economic factors
??Sotsialnye aspects of the Company's interaction with the environment
??Nauka of habitat (from the Greek. "Yokos"
??dom, housing, home, and "logos" -Science)
??Vzaimootnoshenie living organisms (including humans) with one another and the environment
3. What is the purpose of human ecology?
??Zaschita his life, health, capacity for biological production and its resistance genes, resistance mutations and other environmental influences
??Zaschita ecological environment
??Formirovanie public relations, which have a legal character and are formed in the relationship of all the components of nature, as well as the totality of material, cultural and historic sites that make up the human environment and ensuring the conditions of his life
??Formirovanie ecological culture and training of specialists in the field of environmental protection
4. What is the subject of human ecology?
??Zaschita ecological environment
??volevye social relations that are legal in nature and consist in the relationship of all the components of nature, as well as the totality of material, cultural and historic sites that make up the human environment and ensuring the conditions of his life
??Zaschita his life, health, capacity for biological production and its resistance genes, resistance mutations and other environmental influences
??Formirovanie ecological culture and training of specialists in the field of environmental protection
5. Environmentally friendly - it
??eto human use of the environment to meet the economic,
environmental, cultural and recreational needs
??sistema measures aimed at the preservation, improvement of the environment, prevention of harmful effects of economic and other human activities
??zaschita ecological environment
??sistema measures to protect the vital interests of the person
adverse environmental impact
6. What are the three essentially separate but closely related environmental human rights, the Constitution enshrines the Russian Federation (to eliminate wrong answer)?
??Pravo to life
??Pravo to a healthy environment
??Pravo for damages caused to health or property by ecological
??Pravo to reliable information about its state
7. What is the most important right of every individual is the basis of the existence of all humanity from which flow all the other rights, including environmental?
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1. Human Ecology - is
??nauka Habitats
??ponyatie indicated in the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection"
??spetsialnaya biological science of the relationship between living organisms (including humans) with one another and the environment
??izuchenie human exposure to both natural and socio-economic factors of the environment
2. What does the term "ecology"?
??Vozdeystvie person both natural and socio-economic factors
??Sotsialnye aspects of the Company's interaction with the environment
??Nauka of habitat (from the Greek. "Yokos"
??dom, housing, home, and "logos" -Science)
??Vzaimootnoshenie living organisms (including humans) with one another and the environment
3. What is the purpose of human ecology?
??Zaschita his life, health, capacity for biological production and its resistance genes, resistance mutations and other environmental influences
??Zaschita ecological environment
??Formirovanie public relations, which have a legal character and are formed in the relationship of all the components of nature, as well as the totality of material, cultural and historic sites that make up the human environment and ensuring the conditions of his life
??Formirovanie ecological culture and training of specialists in the field of environmental protection
4. What is the subject of human ecology?
??Zaschita ecological environment
??volevye social relations that are legal in nature and consist in the relationship of all the components of nature, as well as the totality of material, cultural and historic sites that make up the human environment and ensuring the conditions of his life
??Zaschita his life, health, capacity for biological production and its resistance genes, resistance mutations and other environmental influences
??Formirovanie ecological culture and training of specialists in the field of environmental protection
5. Environmentally friendly - it
??eto human use of the environment to meet the economic,
environmental, cultural and recreational needs
??sistema measures aimed at the preservation, improvement of the environment, prevention of harmful effects of economic and other human activities
??zaschita ecological environment
??sistema measures to protect the vital interests of the person
adverse environmental impact
6. What are the three essentially separate but closely related environmental human rights, the Constitution enshrines the Russian Federation (to eliminate wrong answer)?
??Pravo to life
??Pravo to a healthy environment
??Pravo for damages caused to health or property by ecological
??Pravo to reliable information about its state
7. What is the most important right of every individual is the basis of the existence of all humanity from which flow all the other rights, including environmental?
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- Qiwi.
- Do you mobile operator MTS, Beeline and MegaFon?
You can easily pay for the answers to the tests OYUI with a personal mobile phone account. The drop-down menu list "Buy" to select the desired operator, click the "Checkout" refer to the size of your commission statement (maximum of 10% of the price) and follow the instructions.
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