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Question 1. What is the subject of legal regulation of financial law?

1. public relations arising in connection with the state administrative deya¬telnosti,

2. public relations arising in connection with the financial activities of the state, due to the lack of the country's commodity-money relations, the need to distribute and pe¬reraspredeleniya value of the gross social product and national income;

3. public relations arising in connection with the financial activities of the state, due to the presence in the country of commodity-money relations and the need to distribute and pere¬raspredeleniya value of the gross social product and national income;

4. public relations arising in connection with the state administrative deya¬telnosti due to the lack of the country's commodity-money relations, the need rasprede¬leniya and redistribution of gross social product and national income;

5. public relations arising in connection with the state regulatory deyatelno¬sti, about protecting borders and frontiers.

Question. How you can call the premises and how many steps the emergence of finance?

1. Background 3 and 2 stages:

2 2. Background and Phase 2;

3 3. Background and 3 stages;

4. Background 2 and 3 phase;

5. 4 premises and 2 stages;

Question 3. What is included in the public finances?

1. Finance companies, institutions and organizations; insurance;

2. the state budget, extra-budgetary funds, state credit;

3. Insurance, the state budget, extra-budgetary funds;

4. The extra-budgetary funds, state credit, finance companies, institutions and organizations;

5. finances of enterprises, institutions and organizations; insurance, state budget, extra-budgetary funds, state credit.

Question 4. What does the term "financial mechanism"?

1. a set of organizational forms of financial relations in the national economy,

2. The order of formation and use of centralized and decentralized funds of funds,

3. Methods of financial planning,

4. The form of government finances and the financial system, financial legislation;

5. The totality of the organizational forms of financial relations in the national economy, the order formi¬rovaniya and use of centralized and decentralized funds of funds, methods fi¬nansovogo planning, forms of financial management and financial systems, financial zakonoda¬telstvo.

Question 5. How you can call the main functions of finance in society?

1. 2;

2. 3;

3. 4;

4. 5;

5. there is no right answer.

Question 6. What is the objective social system due to financial relations vnut¬rennee its structure and location of the union's financial and legal norms in certain posledovatelno¬sti?

1. The system of exchange of financial law;

2. The system of industry financial law;

3. The general part of the course of the financial law;

4. The total of the industry's financial law;

5. The special part of the course of the financial law.

Question 7. How is called a set of rules and acts containing norms of financial law?

1. The financial relationship;

2. The financial legislation;

3. The financial sources;

4. legislative sources;

5. there is no right answer.

Question 8. How many basic units includes the system of modern sources of financial law?

1. 2;

2. 3;

3. 4;

4. 5;

5. 6.

Question 9. When entered into force Tax Code?

1. On 1 January 1998;

2. On 1 January 2000;

3. On 31 December 1999;

4. On 1 January 2001;

5. January 1, 1999.

Question 10. What is the main federal law regulating legal relations in the public sector?

1. Tax Code;

2. The Constitution;

3. Criminal Code;

4. Budget Code;

5. Labour Code.

Question 11. What is the set state and the measures provided by the state is forced