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Tehіchna characteristics

1. Navantazhennya od kolіsnoї bet on rails, kN (tf) 124 (12.6)

2. Vantazhopіd єmnіst, ie 22

3. Masa wagon (container), 28.6 m

4. kolії width mm 1520

5. Konstruktsіyna shvidkіst, km / h 120

6. Quantity kolіsnih uporіv, pcs. 68

7. Quantity pereїznih maydanchikіv for pereїzdu, pcs.

verhnіh 2

nizhnіh 2

8. Dimension GOST 9238-83 1 -T

Tehnіchnі vimogi

1. Carriage vigotovlyati zgіdno TU 24-5-075-68;

2. Rozmіri for dovіdok.