1.7 $
Loyalty discount! If the amount of your purchases from the seller kerzhaev is more than:
1.Kogo can be considered the founder of financial management?
2.Chem devoted to the work of the founder of financial management?
3. What was developed by scientists and managers and practitioners who began modifying the founder of the theory of financial management with a view to it. It can be, used for specific enterprises by monitoring the actual behavior of funds in the circulatory system of the company?
4.C using what made the impact on the finances of the company, which reduces the amount of finance in the circulatory system of the enterprise increase or change their composition?
5.Priemy help achieve a particular result, is the:
6.Slova used by professionals in their field - is:
7. What is the present cash on hand and on current account, currency, bills, stocks, bonds, forward contracts; futures, options, etc.
8. What is the present forecasting, insurance, trust operations, factoring, leasing, Selenga, overdraft; trasting. Franchising hedging itp?
9. As called contract, which is written, that the buyer has the right to buy, and the seller is obliged to sell him a thing for the price they set, but the 'purchase and sale happen some time in the future?
10. How is called the amount of money that. the buyer pays the seller immediately upon the conclusion of the option, which is kompentsatsiey risk?
11. How is the operation that will be made in the future?
12. How is called the contract; in Cahors; It recorded that the buyer is obliged to buy, and the seller is obliged to sell him a thing for the price they set, but the purchase and sale will happen at some time in the future?
13. As called financial method, which is a protection against uncertainty in the change in prices?
14. As called financial method, which is a mix of lease and loan?
15. How is called financial method, which is a form of leasing?
16. As called financial method, which allows the seller immediately, without delay, to get money for a dedicated product?
17.Kak called financial method of buying and selling currency?
18.Kak called financial method, which allows you to get a second income by investing the profits from its initial receipt?
19.Kak called financial method, which lies in the fact that the firm, which has good image in the market, transfers to another, an unknown company, the right to work on its technology and under its trademark, for that it receives from an unknown company reward?
20. As referred to a financial instrument that is a bank loan?
21.Summa of money needed to pay for the use of a certain amount of financial resources - is:
22.Kakoy of the following indicators calculated by the formula Interest rate x (1-tax profit)?
23.Tsena written on the very actions - it is.
24.Stoimost on which the bond got its present owner. - Is:
25.Po a formula calculated price of the bond?
26.Po a formula calculated price of the preferred shares?
27.Raznitsa between the sales proceeds and variable costs - is:
28.Chastnoe shoulder separation profit - is:
29.Kakoy conclusion can be drawn from the formula for calculating the effect of the lever?
30.Takaya revenue from product sales when the company has no losses, but at the same time has arrived - is:
31.Post. : The lever arm - = costs as a proportion of revenue
32. What is the place of intersection of the total cost and direct revenue from sales?
33.Zapas financial strength =
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
2.Chem devoted to the work of the founder of financial management?
3. What was developed by scientists and managers and practitioners who began modifying the founder of the theory of financial management with a view to it. It can be, used for specific enterprises by monitoring the actual behavior of funds in the circulatory system of the company?
4.C using what made the impact on the finances of the company, which reduces the amount of finance in the circulatory system of the enterprise increase or change their composition?
5.Priemy help achieve a particular result, is the:
6.Slova used by professionals in their field - is:
7. What is the present cash on hand and on current account, currency, bills, stocks, bonds, forward contracts; futures, options, etc.
8. What is the present forecasting, insurance, trust operations, factoring, leasing, Selenga, overdraft; trasting. Franchising hedging itp?
9. As called contract, which is written, that the buyer has the right to buy, and the seller is obliged to sell him a thing for the price they set, but the 'purchase and sale happen some time in the future?
10. How is called the amount of money that. the buyer pays the seller immediately upon the conclusion of the option, which is kompentsatsiey risk?
11. How is the operation that will be made in the future?
12. How is called the contract; in Cahors; It recorded that the buyer is obliged to buy, and the seller is obliged to sell him a thing for the price they set, but the purchase and sale will happen at some time in the future?
13. As called financial method, which is a protection against uncertainty in the change in prices?
14. As called financial method, which is a mix of lease and loan?
15. How is called financial method, which is a form of leasing?
16. As called financial method, which allows the seller immediately, without delay, to get money for a dedicated product?
17.Kak called financial method of buying and selling currency?
18.Kak called financial method, which allows you to get a second income by investing the profits from its initial receipt?
19.Kak called financial method, which lies in the fact that the firm, which has good image in the market, transfers to another, an unknown company, the right to work on its technology and under its trademark, for that it receives from an unknown company reward?
20. As referred to a financial instrument that is a bank loan?
21.Summa of money needed to pay for the use of a certain amount of financial resources - is:
22.Kakoy of the following indicators calculated by the formula Interest rate x (1-tax profit)?
23.Tsena written on the very actions - it is.
24.Stoimost on which the bond got its present owner. - Is:
25.Po a formula calculated price of the bond?
26.Po a formula calculated price of the preferred shares?
27.Raznitsa between the sales proceeds and variable costs - is:
28.Chastnoe shoulder separation profit - is:
29.Kakoy conclusion can be drawn from the formula for calculating the effect of the lever?
30.Takaya revenue from product sales when the company has no losses, but at the same time has arrived - is:
31.Post. : The lever arm - = costs as a proportion of revenue
32. What is the place of intersection of the total cost and direct revenue from sales?
33.Zapas financial strength =
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
86.Postoyannye cost management, to begin production of porcelain dolls, make up 120,000 rubles. Cost of dolls - 310 rubles., With the share of variable costs is 56% of the total cost. The doll is sold at the price of 514 rubles. Determine the minimum number of dolls sold (in units) and want to sell to ensure break-even operation?
87.Postoyannye cost management, to begin production of porcelain dolls, make up 120,000 rubles. Cost of dolls - 310 rubles. and the share of variable overwrite is 56% of the total cost. The doll is sold at the price of 514 rubles. The share of the dolls in the general revenue - 34%. Determine the minimum number of dolls sold (in units). want to sell, to ensure break-even basis?
88.Skolko worth $ 1 share capital (in cents), if the amount of the authorized capital is 150 thousand. USD., And the amount of future payments to the founders in a year is 16 thousand. Dollars.?
89.Kakovo value of the share capital [in rubles), if the founder, whose share is 75% of the total share capital, as dividends at the end of the year was 1,200,000 rubles at a cost of 1 ruble 16 kopecks capital in a year?
90.Kakova attach yen per 1 ruble of capital (in kopecks) if the annual interest rate on the loan exactly 21%, and the income tax to the organization amounted to 24%?
91.Kakova annual interest rate on the loan, if it is price - 25.kop. for the ruble, and the income tax is 24%?
92.Firma made a bond issue in the amount of 850,000 rubles. at 28% per annum. The bonds were sold for 500,000 rubles. What is the cost of capital raised (in kopecks), if the tax rate is 24%? (Answer rounded to integers).
93. What is the interest rate on bonds issued in the amount of 960,000 rubles. and implemented for 700,000 rubles., if you know that the income tax rate - 24% and the price of capital raised - 33 kopecks. for a ruble? (A round of integers.)
94.Firma made emissions of one thousand preferred shares for a total amount of 500,000 rubles. The yield of each share is 25% per annum. The shares were sold for 700,000 rubles. What is the cost of capital raised (in kopecks)?
95.Kakova nominal issue price of the preferred shares (RUR.), If the fair value is equal to 960,000 rub., The size of fixed dividends on them is 23% and the price of each new ruble - 31 kopecks?
96.Opredelite force of the impact of operating leverage when revenues amounted to US $ 1,100,000., The fixed costs - of $ 350,000., Variable costs - of $ 470,000.?
97.Vyruchka company amounted to $ 1,100,000., The fixed costs - of $ 350,000., Variable costs - of $ 470,000. How much profit will increase to US $ {.), The revenue will increase by 30%? (Answer given to the nearest).
98.Vyruchka company amounted to 1 100 000 USD., Fixed costs - of $ 350,000., Variable costs - of $ 470,000. What is the value of break-even point for the enterprise (US).? (Answer given to the nearest).
99.Postoyannye cost management, the start of production of woolen rugs, up 350,000 rubles. Cost of plaid - 540 rub., The field of variable costs is 70% of the total cost. Plaid is sold at 890 yen, rubles. Determine the minimum number of rugs sold (in units) and want to sell to ensure break-even basis?
100.Postoyannye cost management, the start of production of woolen rugs, up 350,000 rubles. Cost of plaid - 540 rubles., With the share of variable costs is 70% of the total cost. Plaid is sold at the price of 890 rubles.
The share of total revenue in plaids -60%. Determine the minimum number of rugs sold (in units), which is necessary to bring to ensure break-even basis?
87.Postoyannye cost management, to begin production of porcelain dolls, make up 120,000 rubles. Cost of dolls - 310 rubles. and the share of variable overwrite is 56% of the total cost. The doll is sold at the price of 514 rubles. The share of the dolls in the general revenue - 34%. Determine the minimum number of dolls sold (in units). want to sell, to ensure break-even basis?
88.Skolko worth $ 1 share capital (in cents), if the amount of the authorized capital is 150 thousand. USD., And the amount of future payments to the founders in a year is 16 thousand. Dollars.?
89.Kakovo value of the share capital [in rubles), if the founder, whose share is 75% of the total share capital, as dividends at the end of the year was 1,200,000 rubles at a cost of 1 ruble 16 kopecks capital in a year?
90.Kakova attach yen per 1 ruble of capital (in kopecks) if the annual interest rate on the loan exactly 21%, and the income tax to the organization amounted to 24%?
91.Kakova annual interest rate on the loan, if it is price - 25.kop. for the ruble, and the income tax is 24%?
92.Firma made a bond issue in the amount of 850,000 rubles. at 28% per annum. The bonds were sold for 500,000 rubles. What is the cost of capital raised (in kopecks), if the tax rate is 24%? (Answer rounded to integers).
93. What is the interest rate on bonds issued in the amount of 960,000 rubles. and implemented for 700,000 rubles., if you know that the income tax rate - 24% and the price of capital raised - 33 kopecks. for a ruble? (A round of integers.)
94.Firma made emissions of one thousand preferred shares for a total amount of 500,000 rubles. The yield of each share is 25% per annum. The shares were sold for 700,000 rubles. What is the cost of capital raised (in kopecks)?
95.Kakova nominal issue price of the preferred shares (RUR.), If the fair value is equal to 960,000 rub., The size of fixed dividends on them is 23% and the price of each new ruble - 31 kopecks?
96.Opredelite force of the impact of operating leverage when revenues amounted to US $ 1,100,000., The fixed costs - of $ 350,000., Variable costs - of $ 470,000.?
97.Vyruchka company amounted to $ 1,100,000., The fixed costs - of $ 350,000., Variable costs - of $ 470,000. How much profit will increase to US $ {.), The revenue will increase by 30%? (Answer given to the nearest).
98.Vyruchka company amounted to 1 100 000 USD., Fixed costs - of $ 350,000., Variable costs - of $ 470,000. What is the value of break-even point for the enterprise (US).? (Answer given to the nearest).
99.Postoyannye cost management, the start of production of woolen rugs, up 350,000 rubles. Cost of plaid - 540 rub., The field of variable costs is 70% of the total cost. Plaid is sold at 890 yen, rubles. Determine the minimum number of rugs sold (in units) and want to sell to ensure break-even basis?
100.Postoyannye cost management, the start of production of woolen rugs, up 350,000 rubles. Cost of plaid - 540 rubles., With the share of variable costs is 70% of the total cost. Plaid is sold at the price of 890 rubles.
The share of total revenue in plaids -60%. Determine the minimum number of rugs sold (in units), which is necessary to bring to ensure break-even basis?