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Final standings RFEI logic 100 issues. (In some branches - Final exam, or just offset)
1.Logika - is:
2.Kogo of great scientists considered the founder of logic?
3. How it was called the first system logic created by Aristotle?
4. As of the statements belongs to Aristotle?
5. What are the principles of a guideline in the logic of Descartes?
6. In what is Euler's method Venn logic?
7.Kogo of the scientists considered the founder of the creation of mathematical logic?
8. As a form of thinking to distinguish objects and phenomena from other objects and phenomena?
9. What is meant by the language of logic?
10. What set the semantic rules of the language?
11. What language attributed to natural?
12. As a function of language is reflected in the following sentence: "In case of fire, all located on the fifth floor down to the exit stairs on the left."
13. How are the basic functions of the language in terms of logic?
14. As of the above concepts are single?
15. How from these concepts can be considered an empty concept?
16. In some of these cases, the concept is originally introduced for other concepts?
17.Kakoe of concepts is negative?
18.Kakoe from these concepts is the Whatever?
19.Kakie from these concepts are compatible?
20. As of the above concepts are equivalent?
21. What are the concepts of subordination with respect?
22.Kakie two names are in relation
23.Otnosheniem what kind given by the ratio between the following concepts: Joint-Stock Company; member of the JSC; Chairman of the Board of JSC; Petrov.
24.Otnosheniyu any notions corresponds scheme shown in Figure 1
25.Chem characterized by clear definition?
26. In some of the definitions contained vicious circle?
27.Kakoe of the proposed definition relates to the form of nominal definitions?
28. In some of the proposed statements are generalization of the concept?
29. In what is the principle of proportionality?
30. In some of the cases proposed: among the five four data words is the general umbrella term, and the fifth does not belong to him.
31.Chto called dichotomy?
32.Ukazhite, public statements made dichotomy concepts?
33.Kak called a sign, by which the division of the concepts?
34.V than the value of the artificial classification?
35.Chto called judgment?
36.Kakova main function of descriptive statements?
37.Sredi these statements indicate estimated statements.
38.Kakie of the proposed statements are descriptive?
39.Kakie of the statements should be referred to a meaningless?
40. As referred to statements challenging?
41.Chto called the subject of the enunciation?
42.Chto mean by saying?
43.K any kind of judgment belongs to the following proposition: "The introduction of new technologies - the basis of improving production efficiency."
44.K any type of judgment should include a judgment: "Not everything, not gold that glitters."
45.V what seems a universal affirmative statement?
46.Chto displays negative judgment?
47.Kakimi can not be simultaneously contradicting statements?
48.K any type on the distribution of the subject and the predicate belongs to the following proposition: "The judgment - a form of thinking."
49.Kakimi can be both nasty remarks?
50.Kakim square of a given relationship between the terms of categorical statements?
51.Kakie characters are used to denote the negation?
52.Vyskazyvaniem what kind of a strict disjunction?
53.Chto is the basis of implication in the statement?
54.Kak otherwise called investigation into implicative utterance?
55.Opredelite which of the statements are true?
56.Chto is logical connective equivalence?
57.Kakie symbols are used to denote the equivalence?
58.Kakoy symbolic account is given the following statement: "If the company recognizes the impossibility of leaving the manager in his post, it fires him fro
1.Logika - is:
2.Kogo of great scientists considered the founder of logic?
3. How it was called the first system logic created by Aristotle?
4. As of the statements belongs to Aristotle?
5. What are the principles of a guideline in the logic of Descartes?
6. In what is Euler's method Venn logic?
7.Kogo of the scientists considered the founder of the creation of mathematical logic?
8. As a form of thinking to distinguish objects and phenomena from other objects and phenomena?
9. What is meant by the language of logic?
10. What set the semantic rules of the language?
11. What language attributed to natural?
12. As a function of language is reflected in the following sentence: "In case of fire, all located on the fifth floor down to the exit stairs on the left."
13. How are the basic functions of the language in terms of logic?
14. As of the above concepts are single?
15. How from these concepts can be considered an empty concept?
16. In some of these cases, the concept is originally introduced for other concepts?
17.Kakoe of concepts is negative?
18.Kakoe from these concepts is the Whatever?
19.Kakie from these concepts are compatible?
20. As of the above concepts are equivalent?
21. What are the concepts of subordination with respect?
22.Kakie two names are in relation
23.Otnosheniem what kind given by the ratio between the following concepts: Joint-Stock Company; member of the JSC; Chairman of the Board of JSC; Petrov.
24.Otnosheniyu any notions corresponds scheme shown in Figure 1
25.Chem characterized by clear definition?
26. In some of the definitions contained vicious circle?
27.Kakoe of the proposed definition relates to the form of nominal definitions?
28. In some of the proposed statements are generalization of the concept?
29. In what is the principle of proportionality?
30. In some of the cases proposed: among the five four data words is the general umbrella term, and the fifth does not belong to him.
31.Chto called dichotomy?
32.Ukazhite, public statements made dichotomy concepts?
33.Kak called a sign, by which the division of the concepts?
34.V than the value of the artificial classification?
35.Chto called judgment?
36.Kakova main function of descriptive statements?
37.Sredi these statements indicate estimated statements.
38.Kakie of the proposed statements are descriptive?
39.Kakie of the statements should be referred to a meaningless?
40. As referred to statements challenging?
41.Chto called the subject of the enunciation?
42.Chto mean by saying?
43.K any kind of judgment belongs to the following proposition: "The introduction of new technologies - the basis of improving production efficiency."
44.K any type of judgment should include a judgment: "Not everything, not gold that glitters."
45.V what seems a universal affirmative statement?
46.Chto displays negative judgment?
47.Kakimi can not be simultaneously contradicting statements?
48.K any type on the distribution of the subject and the predicate belongs to the following proposition: "The judgment - a form of thinking."
49.Kakimi can be both nasty remarks?
50.Kakim square of a given relationship between the terms of categorical statements?
51.Kakie characters are used to denote the negation?
52.Vyskazyvaniem what kind of a strict disjunction?
53.Chto is the basis of implication in the statement?
54.Kak otherwise called investigation into implicative utterance?
55.Opredelite which of the statements are true?
56.Chto is logical connective equivalence?
57.Kakie symbols are used to denote the equivalence?
58.Kakoy symbolic account is given the following statement: "If the company recognizes the impossibility of leaving the manager in his post, it fires him fro
80.Sredi proposed symbolic records select the one that corresponds to the law of identity:
81.Kak otherwise called hypothetical syllogism?
82.Pri what conditions will be true complex statement: "And the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe?"
83.Kakaya of logical connections corresponding to the judgment: "If the employee violated the discipline, then the company is obliged to take from it either oral or written explanations."
84.Kakoe transformations of judgment "Any power of attorney, which does not indicate the date of the transaction is void" corresponds to the transformation obscheot-
negatively judgment?
85.Kakaya logical operation called a judgment appeal?
86.Kakoe of judgments is the appeal judgment "Illegal business - a crime in the sphere of economic activity."
87.Dany two judgments, "the Director General submits to head of marketing; "Head of marketing is subject to the marketer." What is the conclusion to be drawn from these judgments will be correct?
88.Kakoy figure syllogism corresponds to the conclusion drawn from the premises, "some lawyers - lawyers"; "Ivanov - a lawyer"; "Therefore, Ivanov - a lawyer."
89.Kakoy figure syllogism corresponds to the conclusion drawn from the premises, "all the students learn the logic of economic institutions"; "Peter studied logic"; "Consequently, Petrov economic high school student."
90.Ustanovite Distributed subject and predicate in the following proposition: "All the small trade enterprises were privatized."
91.Kakie of difficult judgments are dividing (disjunctive) judgments?
92.Kakoy conclusion based on the properties of relations should be two propositions: "Gold is more expensive than copper." "Platinum is more precious than gold."
93.Kakoy conclusion follows from two propositions: "All enterprises in the region become the property of the members of the collective." "Enterprise" Temp "is not
enterprise in the region. "
94.K what type of reasoning are the following complex statement: "If the concern for the production of food involved in the release
quickie, it can be eliminated. " "Concern produced low-quality products." "Therefore, it can be eliminated."
95.Opredelite kind of dilemma: "If you expand the advertising department of our company will have to resort to borrowing." "If reconstruct the department of capital construction, without a loan too, can not do." "We need to expand the advertising department and reconstruct the department of capital construction".
96.Kakoe conclusion follows from the dilemma in the job 95?
97.Opredelite conclusions: "It is known that the workers 1, 5 and 8 brigade assembly shop of the Kursk plant" Schetmash "appeared to work without delay. So, all the workers assembly shop was not allowed tardiness. "
98.Chto thesis called evidence?
99.Kak otherwise called apagogicheskoe proof?
100.S Why is famous Godel's theorem?
Final standings RFEI logic 100 issues. (In some branches - "final exam" or simply "Passed")
81.Kak otherwise called hypothetical syllogism?
82.Pri what conditions will be true complex statement: "And the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe?"
83.Kakaya of logical connections corresponding to the judgment: "If the employee violated the discipline, then the company is obliged to take from it either oral or written explanations."
84.Kakoe transformations of judgment "Any power of attorney, which does not indicate the date of the transaction is void" corresponds to the transformation obscheot-
negatively judgment?
85.Kakaya logical operation called a judgment appeal?
86.Kakoe of judgments is the appeal judgment "Illegal business - a crime in the sphere of economic activity."
87.Dany two judgments, "the Director General submits to head of marketing; "Head of marketing is subject to the marketer." What is the conclusion to be drawn from these judgments will be correct?
88.Kakoy figure syllogism corresponds to the conclusion drawn from the premises, "some lawyers - lawyers"; "Ivanov - a lawyer"; "Therefore, Ivanov - a lawyer."
89.Kakoy figure syllogism corresponds to the conclusion drawn from the premises, "all the students learn the logic of economic institutions"; "Peter studied logic"; "Consequently, Petrov economic high school student."
90.Ustanovite Distributed subject and predicate in the following proposition: "All the small trade enterprises were privatized."
91.Kakie of difficult judgments are dividing (disjunctive) judgments?
92.Kakoy conclusion based on the properties of relations should be two propositions: "Gold is more expensive than copper." "Platinum is more precious than gold."
93.Kakoy conclusion follows from two propositions: "All enterprises in the region become the property of the members of the collective." "Enterprise" Temp "is not
enterprise in the region. "
94.K what type of reasoning are the following complex statement: "If the concern for the production of food involved in the release
quickie, it can be eliminated. " "Concern produced low-quality products." "Therefore, it can be eliminated."
95.Opredelite kind of dilemma: "If you expand the advertising department of our company will have to resort to borrowing." "If reconstruct the department of capital construction, without a loan too, can not do." "We need to expand the advertising department and reconstruct the department of capital construction".
96.Kakoe conclusion follows from the dilemma in the job 95?
97.Opredelite conclusions: "It is known that the workers 1, 5 and 8 brigade assembly shop of the Kursk plant" Schetmash "appeared to work without delay. So, all the workers assembly shop was not allowed tardiness. "
98.Chto thesis called evidence?
99.Kak otherwise called apagogicheskoe proof?
100.S Why is famous Godel's theorem?
Final standings RFEI logic 100 issues. (In some branches - "final exam" or simply "Passed")