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Final exam RFEI "Economy organizations (companies)"
1.K problems of coordination and quality control can lead structure of the organization with the name:
2. To the company could carry out economic activities, it must necessarily have in place:
3.Obedinenie jobs grouped according to certain criteria and carry out part of the overall production process for the manufacture of a product or service of the production process, called:
4.Metodom standard expected value of the probability distribution forecast sales (EP) is calculated as follows:
5.Predpriyatie sold 1,000 units of production of $ 100 per unit. As a result, its current account received funds in the amount of 1 00 000 rubles. In this case, 1, 00 000 - is:
6.Period time required for future profit of the company has reached the level of capital investments carried out, it is called:
7.K indirect taxes does not include:
8.Brigadnoy form of payment is:
9.Obedinenie in which various companies previously owned by different owners, merge into a single production facility, thus losing its legal and economic independence referred to as:
10.Monopolisticheskomu pricing matches the following statement:
11.Zatraty that are not directly linked to production, are not included in the cost of production and are financed from special funds formed mainly from distributable profits, they are called:
12.K incentive payments include:
13. "Motivational ladder" McKinsey consists of four steps:
A -sopostavlenie employee with specific tasks;
B -Every employee must be confident in his ability to solve the necessary tasks;
In -rabotniku need to feel success;
Mr. -Head must ensure that each employee has compared himself with the company and its goals.
Choose the correct sequence, which should be arranged such steps, starting from the lowest:
14.K main category workers are employees of the production staff:
15.Na those parts of the enterprise, where there was an adverse situation with the implementation of the plan of production, introduced mainly following the wage system:
16.K featured an open joint-stock company does not include:
17.Sposobnost legal person having rights and obligations arise:
18.Do not exist the legal form of the company with the title:
19.K inventories of circulating assets of the enterprise does not include:
20.Vspomogatelnye workers are much more interested in how to better serve the jobs and the machine when:
21.K main sources to plan the production and sale of products do not include:
22. In the troubled conditions of rapid change often can be seen the structure of the organization with the name:
23.Ne there is this kind of liability, such as:
24.K federal taxes and charges are not true:
25.Chislo any member of the cooperative should be:
26.K one-time expenses of the organization do not include:
27.peredali on the creation of an organization called:
28.Po ownership of the enterprise can be divided into:
29.Raznitsa between receipt and expenditure of funds for the entire period of the intended operation of the enterprise, taking into account the time factor is determined by the index called:
30.Ne there is this type of asset, such as:
31. In a limited partnership received total gross profit is directed primarily to:
32.Uchastnikami Ltd. can be:
33. In a group of employees, the following groups:
A - group of executives; B - a group of specialists; In - group of employees.
These groups include the following specialties:
1) the clerk;
2) a lawyer;
3) the Governing Board;
4) the cashier;
5) Engineer;
6) Head;
7) the Chief Accountant;
8) The Economist;
9) scorekeeper.
Specify, which groups some specialties include:
. . . . . . . . . . . .
1.K problems of coordination and quality control can lead structure of the organization with the name:
2. To the company could carry out economic activities, it must necessarily have in place:
3.Obedinenie jobs grouped according to certain criteria and carry out part of the overall production process for the manufacture of a product or service of the production process, called:
4.Metodom standard expected value of the probability distribution forecast sales (EP) is calculated as follows:
5.Predpriyatie sold 1,000 units of production of $ 100 per unit. As a result, its current account received funds in the amount of 1 00 000 rubles. In this case, 1, 00 000 - is:
6.Period time required for future profit of the company has reached the level of capital investments carried out, it is called:
7.K indirect taxes does not include:
8.Brigadnoy form of payment is:
9.Obedinenie in which various companies previously owned by different owners, merge into a single production facility, thus losing its legal and economic independence referred to as:
10.Monopolisticheskomu pricing matches the following statement:
11.Zatraty that are not directly linked to production, are not included in the cost of production and are financed from special funds formed mainly from distributable profits, they are called:
12.K incentive payments include:
13. "Motivational ladder" McKinsey consists of four steps:
A -sopostavlenie employee with specific tasks;
B -Every employee must be confident in his ability to solve the necessary tasks;
In -rabotniku need to feel success;
Mr. -Head must ensure that each employee has compared himself with the company and its goals.
Choose the correct sequence, which should be arranged such steps, starting from the lowest:
14.K main category workers are employees of the production staff:
15.Na those parts of the enterprise, where there was an adverse situation with the implementation of the plan of production, introduced mainly following the wage system:
16.K featured an open joint-stock company does not include:
17.Sposobnost legal person having rights and obligations arise:
18.Do not exist the legal form of the company with the title:
19.K inventories of circulating assets of the enterprise does not include:
20.Vspomogatelnye workers are much more interested in how to better serve the jobs and the machine when:
21.K main sources to plan the production and sale of products do not include:
22. In the troubled conditions of rapid change often can be seen the structure of the organization with the name:
23.Ne there is this kind of liability, such as:
24.K federal taxes and charges are not true:
25.Chislo any member of the cooperative should be:
26.K one-time expenses of the organization do not include:
27.peredali on the creation of an organization called:
28.Po ownership of the enterprise can be divided into:
29.Raznitsa between receipt and expenditure of funds for the entire period of the intended operation of the enterprise, taking into account the time factor is determined by the index called:
30.Ne there is this type of asset, such as:
31. In a limited partnership received total gross profit is directed primarily to:
32.Uchastnikami Ltd. can be:
33. In a group of employees, the following groups:
A - group of executives; B - a group of specialists; In - group of employees.
These groups include the following specialties:
1) the clerk;
2) a lawyer;
3) the Governing Board;
4) the cashier;
5) Engineer;
6) Head;
7) the Chief Accountant;
8) The Economist;
9) scorekeeper.
Specify, which groups some specialties include:
. . . . . . . . . . . .
34.V to enhance the material interest of workers, proizvoditel¬nosti labor and reducing turnaround time is entered:
35.Harakternoy feature of a limited liability company. not the presence of his:
36.Otnoshenie net income (net of tax) to equity - is:
37.Vremya by launching the necessary raw materials (semi-finished) to obtain the finished product is called:
38.Oligopolisticheskomu pricing contradicts the following statement:
39.K compulsory deductions to non-budgetary funds do not include contributions to:
40.Osnovnaya a lot of work at the enterprise is carried out in the units in the following organizational structure:
35.Harakternoy feature of a limited liability company. not the presence of his:
36.Otnoshenie net income (net of tax) to equity - is:
37.Vremya by launching the necessary raw materials (semi-finished) to obtain the finished product is called:
38.Oligopolisticheskomu pricing contradicts the following statement:
39.K compulsory deductions to non-budgetary funds do not include contributions to:
40.Osnovnaya a lot of work at the enterprise is carried out in the units in the following organizational structure: