700 $
Loyalty discount! If the amount of your purchases from the seller Vladimir1711 is more than:
Template "BuySteam" for the new version Digiseller PHP 8.0
-Added Script recent sales
-Easy Installation
-Comfortable And pleasant interface
-Ability Earnings by selling banner impressions and contextual advertising
-Excellent Indexing by search engines
Start earning right now.
To use the script you need to be registered on digiseller.ru. Check your ID, you can see "My Account" - "Registration number (id agent)." Detailed sales through your store will be reflected in the "Accounting", there you will be able to withdraw the money earned.
-Added Script recent sales
-Easy Installation
-Comfortable And pleasant interface
-Ability Earnings by selling banner impressions and contextual advertising
-Excellent Indexing by search engines
Start earning right now.
To use the script you need to be registered on digiseller.ru. Check your ID, you can see "My Account" - "Registration number (id agent)." Detailed sales through your store will be reflected in the "Accounting", there you will be able to withdraw the money earned.
Look new version: http://mydigiseller.ru/
Setting pictures of the goods and their size made from this page http://my.digiseller.ru/inside/myshop.new.asp?view=design
Another template
Setting pictures of the goods and their size made from this page http://my.digiseller.ru/inside/myshop.new.asp?view=design
Another template