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Collection of questions on the subject "Criminal Procedure", 210 questions.

Task 1

Question 1. What are the state system of crime prevention, prosecution and punishment of those responsible.

1. arrest;

2. searched;

3. The authorities of criminal justice;

4. The prosecutor's office;

5. preliminary investigation.

Question 2. What body is designed to administer justice in criminal cases?

1. The Court of Arbitration;

2. The arbitral tribunal;

3. The Prosecutor's Office;

4. Court;

5. investigation.

Question 3. The details regulating the activity of criminal justice?

1. The procedural rules;

2. The authority;

3. local authorities;

4. The normative acts;

5. The municipal authorities.

Question 4. In what form takes criminal procedure, regulated by law?

1. subordination;

2. Control;

3. Jurisdiction;

4. relations;

5. imperative.

Question 5. What does the word "process" in Latin language?

1. Court;

2. move to move forward;

3. condemnation;

4. consideration;

5. The establishment of the truth.

Task 2.

Continue the study of Chapter 1. Choose the correct answer and mark the answers on the form.

Question 1. What are the number of main stages of the criminal process.

1. two;

2. Three;

3. Four;

4. five;

5. Six.

Question 2. What are the exceptional number of stages of the criminal process.

1 one;

2. two;

3. Three;

4. Four;

5. five.

Question 3: Which concept identical to the concept of criminal proceedings?

1. The initiation of cases;

2. investigation;

3. consideration;

4. criminal proceedings;

5. The resolution of cases.

Question 4: What are the main feature of the criminal process.

1. The legal nature;

2. detail;

3. versatility;

4. mandatory;

5. settlement.

Question 5. What are the number of criminal procedural functions.

1. five;

2. one;

3. two;

4. Three;

5. four.

Task 3.

Continue the study of Chapter 1. Choose the correct answer and mark the answers on the form.

Question 1: How many types of charges are distinguished in a criminal trial?

1. one;

2. Two;

3. Three;

4. Four;

5. five.

Question 2. What kinds of charges in criminal proceedings.

1. The claim;

2. particular;

3. state (public), public and private;

4. official;

5. Direct.

Question 3. What procedural activities aimed to refute the charges and establishing innocence or mitigate his responsibility.

1. protection;

2. investigation;

3. charges;

4. The inquiry;

5. supervision.

Question 4. What can be done to civil and criminal cases in the courts?

1. Opening;

2. an equal footing;

3. publicly;

4. independently;

5. collectively and individually.

Question 5. On the basis of the principle to build relationships between different levels of the judicial system?

1. chain of command;

2. The independence of judges and their subordination only to the law;

3. accountability;

4. interdependence;

5. The equality of the parties.

Task 4.

Continue the study of Chapter 1. Choose the correct answer and mark the answers on the form.

Question 1. In which direction are integrated general social and specific tasks of the criminal process?

1. to ensure the public;

2. to ensure the fair administration of justice;

3. in the independence of judges;

4. the objectivity;

5. in the legal basis.

Question 2. What are the Code of Criminal Procedure article containing the definition of tasks of criminal proceedings.

1. 1;

2. 3;

3. 5;

4. 2;

5. 4.

Question 3. What are the date of adoption of the Law "On operative-search activity."

1. 1993;

2. 1994;

3. 1995;

Question 2. When originated and developed the type of the criminal indictment of the process?

1. In the feudal period;

2. In the capitalist period;

3. during the socialist period;

4. In the period of the slave;

5. in the primitive - communal period.

Question 3. Which historical era has reached the most widespread investigation (inquisitorial) process?

1. absolutism;

2. Revival;

3. Reformation;

4. slavery;

5. feudalism.

Question 4: In states with a system of law is most prevalent adversarial process?

1. Germany;

2. French;

3. English;

4. Saxon;

5. Anglo-Saxon.

Question 5: Which form can be attributed after the Russian criminal trial the judicial reform of 1864?

1. adversarial;

2. The indictment;

3. mixed;

4. Investigation;

5. inquisitorial.

Task 6.

Continue the study of Chapter 1.

Choose the correct answer and mark the answers on the form.

Question 1: What are the dates for the introduction of criminal procedure law institutions of judicial control over arrests.

1. 1990;

2. 1991;

3. 1992;

4. 1993;

5. 1994.

Question 2. What are the dates for the introduction of legislation on criminal procedure of the jury.

1. 1992;

2. 1993;

3. 1994;

4. 1995;

5. 1996.

Question 3: When was the current Criminal Procedure Code?

1. 1957;

2. 1958;

3. 1959;

4. 1960;

5. 1961.

Question 4. What are some disadvantages of the Criminal Procedure Code, adopted in 1960.

1. brevity;

2. The weakness of the law of evidence;

3. The vagueness of definitions;

4. The substitution of surrogate rights standards;

5. The complex structure.

Question 5. Indicate drawback current Criminal Procedure Code.

1. raspravnye features;

2. neoinkvizitsionnye form;

3. outdated approaches;

4. The weakness of law enforcement practices;

5. mismatch new socio-political conditions.

Task 7.

Explore Chapter 2.

Choose the correct answer and mark the answers on the form.

Question 1. What is the source of criminal procedural law?

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

2. The municipal law;

3. Act;

4. The Code of Criminal Procedure;

5. The Constitution of the Federation.

Question 2. What is the law on criminal proceedings stands out and has supreme legal force?

1. Code of Criminal Procedure;

2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

3. Federal Law;

4. Regulatory Act;

5. Presidential Decree.

Question 3. What are the date of entry into force of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

1. 1958;

2. 1959;

3. 1960;

4. 1961;

5. 1962.

Question 4: What changes and amendments made to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation at the time of its adoption to date?

1. 450;

2. 500;

3. 300;

4. 400;

5. 520.

Question 5. What are the date of approval of the Regulation on the Bar of the RSFSR.

1. 1976;

2. 1977;

3. 1978;

4. 1979;

5. 1980.

Task 8.

Continue the study of Chapter 2.

Choose the correct answer and mark the answers on the form.

Question 1: What are the dates for the adoption of the Law "On militia".

Question 2. What are the date of the adoption by the General Assembly of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Question 3: When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Russia is?

Question 4: What are the dates for the adoption of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Question 5. How exactly does the implementation of international law in the domestic right?

Task 9.

Question 1. It is the perception by domestic law international law without changing its content?