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Task 1. Rewrite the text, insert the missing letters, open the brackets and arrange punctuation. Determine what their functional styles include all of the texts, underline words and phrases that are typical of this style, list style features.
A. The further fate zaimstvova (n, nn) \u200b\u200bcl's words can (and about) be lived differently. When at the beginning of XX century in Russia began to play football n (a, b) klonniki new game enjoyed English football terminology. In the future, some of the words have taken root in the Russian language (the penalty spot, out), some have supplanted (NN, n) bubbled Russian counterparts (currently rarely hear the words goalkeeper midfielder Beck - are used instead, such as the naime¬novaniya Goalkeeper Defender (semi) back) and in some cases there was a (oh, well) nkurentsiya between zaimstvova (NN, n) th word and his Russian "transfer" (forward and forward, offside and out of the game, and the kick from the corner).
That is included in the Russian language, many of the apparent (un) usual foreign-language borrowing. The specificity of our time only that there were many new region (of a) stey life actively discussed in the media ma (s ss) a marketing information
B. In the case of Arise (a, b) material veniya Vig (of a) dy from savings on interest for credit means it is subject to taxation of the (a, b) in order zheniyu installed (eg, nn) \u200b\u200bth current tax Zach (a about) islation of the Russian Federation. Binding (NN, n) w ill spine of (e, i) calculus of tax on income of the borrower based on material gain and inf (a, a) rmirovaniyu tax authority about its size assigned to the creditor in place of its registration. In the case of (im) possibility of withholding tax creditor of individual income on the amounts of material benefit the borrower is obliged to under the current tax Zach (a, a) of the Russian Federation to file a tax onodatelstvu Dekle (and on) the radio to the tax authority.
B. Speed \u200b\u200b(of a) perishable goods show to Perevi (a, h) after the indus ke (H, HH) second processing and without it. Prominent individuals (NN, n) is the last spine that they continuously occur biochemical and physiological proce (s, ss) s in its intensity depending on the parameters of the environment of the biological activity of the product light gas composition of air, etc. If the products are subjected to indus (H, HH) th processing biological activity of their suppression (NN, n) and due (and, e) the destruction of enzymes.
The main factors affecting the rate of Proch (a, b) Suppress different proce (ss, s) s to soon (and about) perishable cargo are: the activity of microorganisms, chemical so¬stav product, the impact on their environment.
Task 2. Find lexical mistakes, correct them, and the class-sified.
Dostoevsky - a great psychiatrist. 2. The damage to the city is about 30 million rubles. 3. The body was warm, but gave no sign of life. 4. In the city of a sufficiently high level of crime. 5. More than half of the game was held at one of the gates. 6. And the hand you're putting on the glove, since putting on a glove on a hand. 7. The young MP was able to quickly find the trust of voters. 8. Terms and conditions: the salary not less than $ 1,000, the warranty vacation - 30 days. 9. Traffic on the road was interrupted due to snow drifts. 10. The greatest importance was given to the celebration of the Day of the City.
Task 3. Select violations of norms upotreble¬nii phraseology, eliminate errors.
The theme of patriotism never go to the ends of the water. 2. Po¬sle conversation with the chief, he looked scalded chicken. 3. He was ashamed to the roots of the hair. 4. All should be called their belongings. 5. As for the blink of an eye everything changed, 6. In this film, the main character sells his soul in exchange for the performance of the seven wishes.
Task 4. Make phrases or sentences with Paronyms given that there was cl
A. The further fate zaimstvova (n, nn) \u200b\u200bcl's words can (and about) be lived differently. When at the beginning of XX century in Russia began to play football n (a, b) klonniki new game enjoyed English football terminology. In the future, some of the words have taken root in the Russian language (the penalty spot, out), some have supplanted (NN, n) bubbled Russian counterparts (currently rarely hear the words goalkeeper midfielder Beck - are used instead, such as the naime¬novaniya Goalkeeper Defender (semi) back) and in some cases there was a (oh, well) nkurentsiya between zaimstvova (NN, n) th word and his Russian "transfer" (forward and forward, offside and out of the game, and the kick from the corner).
That is included in the Russian language, many of the apparent (un) usual foreign-language borrowing. The specificity of our time only that there were many new region (of a) stey life actively discussed in the media ma (s ss) a marketing information
B. In the case of Arise (a, b) material veniya Vig (of a) dy from savings on interest for credit means it is subject to taxation of the (a, b) in order zheniyu installed (eg, nn) \u200b\u200bth current tax Zach (a about) islation of the Russian Federation. Binding (NN, n) w ill spine of (e, i) calculus of tax on income of the borrower based on material gain and inf (a, a) rmirovaniyu tax authority about its size assigned to the creditor in place of its registration. In the case of (im) possibility of withholding tax creditor of individual income on the amounts of material benefit the borrower is obliged to under the current tax Zach (a, a) of the Russian Federation to file a tax onodatelstvu Dekle (and on) the radio to the tax authority.
B. Speed \u200b\u200b(of a) perishable goods show to Perevi (a, h) after the indus ke (H, HH) second processing and without it. Prominent individuals (NN, n) is the last spine that they continuously occur biochemical and physiological proce (s, ss) s in its intensity depending on the parameters of the environment of the biological activity of the product light gas composition of air, etc. If the products are subjected to indus (H, HH) th processing biological activity of their suppression (NN, n) and due (and, e) the destruction of enzymes.
The main factors affecting the rate of Proch (a, b) Suppress different proce (ss, s) s to soon (and about) perishable cargo are: the activity of microorganisms, chemical so¬stav product, the impact on their environment.
Task 2. Find lexical mistakes, correct them, and the class-sified.
Dostoevsky - a great psychiatrist. 2. The damage to the city is about 30 million rubles. 3. The body was warm, but gave no sign of life. 4. In the city of a sufficiently high level of crime. 5. More than half of the game was held at one of the gates. 6. And the hand you're putting on the glove, since putting on a glove on a hand. 7. The young MP was able to quickly find the trust of voters. 8. Terms and conditions: the salary not less than $ 1,000, the warranty vacation - 30 days. 9. Traffic on the road was interrupted due to snow drifts. 10. The greatest importance was given to the celebration of the Day of the City.
Task 3. Select violations of norms upotreble¬nii phraseology, eliminate errors.
The theme of patriotism never go to the ends of the water. 2. Po¬sle conversation with the chief, he looked scalded chicken. 3. He was ashamed to the roots of the hair. 4. All should be called their belongings. 5. As for the blink of an eye everything changed, 6. In this film, the main character sells his soul in exchange for the performance of the seven wishes.
Task 4. Make phrases or sentences with Paronyms given that there was cl
Task 5. Find and correct errors in the use of nouns, adjectives, numerals and verbs.
1. I am a beautiful, slender lady. I have similar requirements. 2. Lift up the Volga, the barge will be unloaded in Novgorod. 3. Article takes about 12 pages. 4. His parents were quite poor. 5. We have watched this feature unit. 6. Ivan put on his glasses. 7. I'm going to present their work to the competition. 8. The harmful toxins from the body will help bring the hunger strike. 9. Think about your future! 10. Once the order has been a change for the better in the case of violation of discipline. 11. Particular attention is paid to issues of nuclear safety. 12. It is important to recognize the role that took the church in society. 13. The Government would provide greater protection for the population of the North. 14. The annual spring planting were about seven hundred trees and shrubs. 15. Prosecutor thoroughly understand all four seventy nine volumes of the case
Task 6. Eliminate tautology and pleonasm.
Representatives of trading companies intend to confirm their intentions. 2. detained a group of smugglers who violated the border illegally. 3. In a city relay take part participants of regional competitions. 4. In the Leninsky district at the same time there are four public and munitsi¬palnyh clinic. 5. I fully trust this man.
Task 7. Locate and correct syntax errors, explain their decisions.
The plant manages and coordinates the activities related businesses. 2. Left Bloc is not allowed and is in need of a leader. 3. For the computer belongs to the future! 4. It has been a hundred percent sure of their strength. 5. After the first "five" I had confidence in myself. 6. The main task we see in the promotion of knowledge. 7. And what do they differ? 8. First-graders already distinguish letters and sounds. 9. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison. 10. The public is extensively preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the city. 11. After graduating from the Academy in the estate of the Grand Duke Nicholas Bo¬gomolov builds the church. 12. Resting, accumulate more experience. 13. Having found that the production volume has decreased, there is a question about the reason for this. 14. Taking this equipment without authorization in a warehouse, he ran into trouble with the authorities. 15. Homework, I was distracted by the phone all the time.
Task 8. Please specify the kind of values \u200b\u200band acronyms.
ATP GDP university GITIS, MGIMO, research institutes, UFO, SARS, TCI, the Russian Federation, Coll.
Task 9. Pick synonyms for Russian foreign words, with each of the foreign words compose and record the common proposal.
Dialog Index, calligraphy, leader melancholy norm orfo¬gramma, parody, inversion, coach, reverse, implementation.
Task 10. Give a compliment speech formulas, requesting suggestions of anything relevant:
1) in writing;
2) in speech.
1. I am a beautiful, slender lady. I have similar requirements. 2. Lift up the Volga, the barge will be unloaded in Novgorod. 3. Article takes about 12 pages. 4. His parents were quite poor. 5. We have watched this feature unit. 6. Ivan put on his glasses. 7. I'm going to present their work to the competition. 8. The harmful toxins from the body will help bring the hunger strike. 9. Think about your future! 10. Once the order has been a change for the better in the case of violation of discipline. 11. Particular attention is paid to issues of nuclear safety. 12. It is important to recognize the role that took the church in society. 13. The Government would provide greater protection for the population of the North. 14. The annual spring planting were about seven hundred trees and shrubs. 15. Prosecutor thoroughly understand all four seventy nine volumes of the case
Task 6. Eliminate tautology and pleonasm.
Representatives of trading companies intend to confirm their intentions. 2. detained a group of smugglers who violated the border illegally. 3. In a city relay take part participants of regional competitions. 4. In the Leninsky district at the same time there are four public and munitsi¬palnyh clinic. 5. I fully trust this man.
Task 7. Locate and correct syntax errors, explain their decisions.
The plant manages and coordinates the activities related businesses. 2. Left Bloc is not allowed and is in need of a leader. 3. For the computer belongs to the future! 4. It has been a hundred percent sure of their strength. 5. After the first "five" I had confidence in myself. 6. The main task we see in the promotion of knowledge. 7. And what do they differ? 8. First-graders already distinguish letters and sounds. 9. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison. 10. The public is extensively preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the city. 11. After graduating from the Academy in the estate of the Grand Duke Nicholas Bo¬gomolov builds the church. 12. Resting, accumulate more experience. 13. Having found that the production volume has decreased, there is a question about the reason for this. 14. Taking this equipment without authorization in a warehouse, he ran into trouble with the authorities. 15. Homework, I was distracted by the phone all the time.
Task 8. Please specify the kind of values \u200b\u200band acronyms.
ATP GDP university GITIS, MGIMO, research institutes, UFO, SARS, TCI, the Russian Federation, Coll.
Task 9. Pick synonyms for Russian foreign words, with each of the foreign words compose and record the common proposal.
Dialog Index, calligraphy, leader melancholy norm orfo¬gramma, parody, inversion, coach, reverse, implementation.
Task 10. Give a compliment speech formulas, requesting suggestions of anything relevant:
1) in writing;
2) in speech.