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Responses to test the Open Law Institute on the subject of "Land Law" in the file for the program exel Test Client. LATEST VERSION 2 +

Answer format: question -> write the correct answer. The best format, the passage will take from 6 to 10 minutes!

Answers to tests OYUI latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.

Version 1:

The basis of the subject of regulation of land law are:

When the regulation of land relations, the following methods:

What is studying a special part of the training course land law

Legal institutions, defining the legal regime of certain categories of land are grouped into

Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "The characteristic features of the law of land of different categories, the daily affairs and activities of subjects authorized to land management or the right of ownership use and disposal of land objects"

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation land legislation is administered

In accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation local governments can

If an international agreement establishes rules other than those provided by the RF Land Code, the rules

Persons owning land and enjoying the right of lifetime inheritable possession are

Holders of servitude - a

Plot of land as an object relationship - it

The assignment of lands to categories and their transfer from one category to another is carried out in respect of

The procedure for the transfer of land from one category to another set

Establishment of procedures for seizure of land plots, including redemption, for state and municipal needs, concerns have powers

Preventing degradation, pollution, littering, violation of land and other negative impacts of economic activity is



The minimum width of the coastal bands of all water bodies is determined depending on the types of land adjacent and water bodies in the amount of

Depending on the population of the city are divided into

Earth therapeutic areas and resorts can be

After the application of a citizen state executive authority or local authority decides to grant a land plot of agricultural land for the establishment of the farm in time

Approval and amendment of the features of urban settlements that make up the Closed City, carried out

On the lands of defense and security restricted areas shall be established by __

In the field of land law enforcement performs the functions of registration of rights to immovable property and transactions with it

Private easement is established in accordance with the

Rural settlements are divided into

State nature reserves may be

The maximum number of citizens who are not in relationship with the head of the farm may not exceed

The founder of a single economic entity JSC "Russian Railways" are

In Russia, the absolute (unlimited) land owners

The following forms of land ownership

State ownership of land exists in the following forms

Using the land fund land redistribution carried out

Contrary to international treaties with participation of the Russian Federation Land Code of the Russian Federation

The size of the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land leased for agricultural production

For the use of the forest fund in the form of fees charged by the

The purpose of the reserve is

Current legislation provides for the following types of land

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