1.7 $
Loyalty discount! If the amount of your purchases from the seller kerzhaev is more than:
Task 1
Question 1. Protecting the Muse of history called:
Question 2. How many major groups of historical sources emit?
Question 3. What is called historical fact?
Question 4. Historiography deals:
Question 5: When did Russian chronicles?
Task 2
Question 1. Who is the author of "The Tale of Bygone Years"?
Question 2. Until what time existed in Russian chronicles?
Question 3. To Peter I ordered to make the geographical description of Russia?
Question 4: "History of the Russian State" Karamzin consists of:
Question 5: Who believed that "the nature of the West was a mother, for Russia - stepmother?"
Activity 3
Question 1. When the gradual settlement of the ancient Indo-Europeans?
Question 2. At what time began to form Chernyakhov archaeological culture?
Question 3. Settling of the Slavs on the European continent took place on:
Question 4. Name of the tribes formed by:
Question 5. In the East European Plain to the 8-9 centuries. It happened:
Task 4
Question 1. To what time the terrorists are privileged social group?
Question 2: Which way went the folding of the Old Russian state?
Question 3. What year is considered to be the year of creation of the ancient Russian state?
Question 4. What is symbolized acceptance of the Kievan prince title "Kagan"?
Question 5. What is characteristic for the first stage of submission of tribal principalities of Kiev princes?
Task 5
Question 1. What is the name of our state bore 10 in.?
Question 2: In which year was the first trip to Russia Constantinople?
Question 3. Who initiated the Russian Tmutarakan principality?
Question 4. When in Russia there were Slavic alphabet - Cyrillic and Glagolitic?
Question 5. Vladimir Svyatoslavich began active construction:
Task 6
Question 1. Since the late 10th century. Rus state was composed of:
Question 2: "Russian Truth" consists of:
Question 3. How were called members of the "old brigade"?
Question 4. What were the governors in the cities?
Question 5: Who called the men?
Task 7
Question 1: To designate a category of the population to use the term "servants" and "slave"?
Question 2. When the internecine struggle between the heirs of Vladimir?
Question 3. At the command of a prince has been created Extensive edition of "Russian Truth"?
Question 4: What contributed to widespread literacy?
Question 5. When a cancellation vendetta?
Task 8
Question 1. When the Duchy of Russia breaks up?
Question 2. What was the prerequisite of crushing Russia?
Question 3. During the 12-13 centuries. squad splits into:
Question 4. How many of the strongest Russian land separated the beginning of the 13th century.?
Question 5: When it was created, "Lay"?
Task 9
Question 1. When formed Mongol yoke?
Question 2. What was the name known in the Mongolian state?
Question 3. How far can pass horsemen Mongol-Tatars in the day?
Question 4. In the conquest of Iran and the Caucasus was sent under the command of the army:
Question 5: Who led the march of Mongol-Tatars in Europe?
Task 10
Question 1: What was the number of Russian troops?
Question 2. The population of Moscow had led resistance to the enemy:
Question 3: Who was authorized by the invasion of the Crusaders in the Baltic lands and North-West Russia?
Question 4: Name the Ice won the battle:
Question 5: Who founded the state of Golden Horde?
Task 11
Question 1. How long does it take the union of Russian land in the Russian centralized state?
Question 2. At what Prince Moscow became the richest principality Rus?
Question 3. In what year was built Kremlin in Moscow?
Question 4: When was the Battle of Kulikovo?
Question 5: When it was finally overthrown by the Mongol-Tatar yoke?
Activity 12
Question 1. The population of Russia in the late 16th ce
Question 1. Protecting the Muse of history called:
Question 2. How many major groups of historical sources emit?
Question 3. What is called historical fact?
Question 4. Historiography deals:
Question 5: When did Russian chronicles?
Task 2
Question 1. Who is the author of "The Tale of Bygone Years"?
Question 2. Until what time existed in Russian chronicles?
Question 3. To Peter I ordered to make the geographical description of Russia?
Question 4: "History of the Russian State" Karamzin consists of:
Question 5: Who believed that "the nature of the West was a mother, for Russia - stepmother?"
Activity 3
Question 1. When the gradual settlement of the ancient Indo-Europeans?
Question 2. At what time began to form Chernyakhov archaeological culture?
Question 3. Settling of the Slavs on the European continent took place on:
Question 4. Name of the tribes formed by:
Question 5. In the East European Plain to the 8-9 centuries. It happened:
Task 4
Question 1. To what time the terrorists are privileged social group?
Question 2: Which way went the folding of the Old Russian state?
Question 3. What year is considered to be the year of creation of the ancient Russian state?
Question 4. What is symbolized acceptance of the Kievan prince title "Kagan"?
Question 5. What is characteristic for the first stage of submission of tribal principalities of Kiev princes?
Task 5
Question 1. What is the name of our state bore 10 in.?
Question 2: In which year was the first trip to Russia Constantinople?
Question 3. Who initiated the Russian Tmutarakan principality?
Question 4. When in Russia there were Slavic alphabet - Cyrillic and Glagolitic?
Question 5. Vladimir Svyatoslavich began active construction:
Task 6
Question 1. Since the late 10th century. Rus state was composed of:
Question 2: "Russian Truth" consists of:
Question 3. How were called members of the "old brigade"?
Question 4. What were the governors in the cities?
Question 5: Who called the men?
Task 7
Question 1: To designate a category of the population to use the term "servants" and "slave"?
Question 2. When the internecine struggle between the heirs of Vladimir?
Question 3. At the command of a prince has been created Extensive edition of "Russian Truth"?
Question 4: What contributed to widespread literacy?
Question 5. When a cancellation vendetta?
Task 8
Question 1. When the Duchy of Russia breaks up?
Question 2. What was the prerequisite of crushing Russia?
Question 3. During the 12-13 centuries. squad splits into:
Question 4. How many of the strongest Russian land separated the beginning of the 13th century.?
Question 5: When it was created, "Lay"?
Task 9
Question 1. When formed Mongol yoke?
Question 2. What was the name known in the Mongolian state?
Question 3. How far can pass horsemen Mongol-Tatars in the day?
Question 4. In the conquest of Iran and the Caucasus was sent under the command of the army:
Question 5: Who led the march of Mongol-Tatars in Europe?
Task 10
Question 1: What was the number of Russian troops?
Question 2. The population of Moscow had led resistance to the enemy:
Question 3: Who was authorized by the invasion of the Crusaders in the Baltic lands and North-West Russia?
Question 4: Name the Ice won the battle:
Question 5: Who founded the state of Golden Horde?
Task 11
Question 1. How long does it take the union of Russian land in the Russian centralized state?
Question 2. At what Prince Moscow became the richest principality Rus?
Question 3. In what year was built Kremlin in Moscow?
Question 4: When was the Battle of Kulikovo?
Question 5: When it was finally overthrown by the Mongol-Tatar yoke?
Activity 12
Question 1. The population of Russia in the late 16th ce
Task 40
Question 1. Which party congress heard a report "On the Personality Cult and its consequences?"
Question 2. What is the report had NS Khrushchev's "On the Personality Cult"?
Question 3: When was the first visit of the head of the Soviet government and party in the US?
Question 4: What is the purpose of the visit, NS Khrushchev in the United States?
Question 5. XIV UN General Assembly approved:
Task 41
Question 1. When NS Khrushchev was removed from all his posts?
Question 2. The solution of the plenum was the beginning of "economic reform" in 1956?
Question 3. In what year was adopted by the Food Program?
Question 4: Who first proposed the concept of "developed socialism"?
Question 5: Who owns the idea of \u200b\u200bconvening the European Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe?
Task 42
Question 1. How many tasks identified for state welfare of the people in the 12 Five-Year Plan?
Question 2. Among the objectives of improving the welfare of the people paid special attention to:
Question 3: What was the purpose of economic reform in 1990?
Question 4: When was the scheduled transition to a regulated market economy?
Question 5. The program "500 days" - a program:
Task 43
Question 1: When was the scheduled transition to the rule of law?
Question 2: Which of the objectives of the reform of the political system is paramount?
Question 3. How many republics have expressed a desire to join the Commonwealth of sovereign states?
Question 4. How many people was part of the Emergency Committee?
Question 5. When was officially recognized by the dissolution of the Soviet Union?
Task 44
Question 1. When BN Yeltsin was elected President?
Question 2: Who was responsible for the privatization of the country?
Question 3. When voucher privatization was approved?
Question 4. The most important direction of Russian foreign policy were:
Question 5. When the Declaration was signed to end the "cold war"?
Task 45
Question 1. In December 1993, was adopted:
Question 2. What is the term of the State Duma are elected?
Question 3: When was the first time held the inauguration?
Question 4: What was the precondition for the beginning of the "war of compromising materials"?
Question 5. The denomination banknotes, which began in January 1998 took place in the ratio of:
Question 1. Which party congress heard a report "On the Personality Cult and its consequences?"
Question 2. What is the report had NS Khrushchev's "On the Personality Cult"?
Question 3: When was the first visit of the head of the Soviet government and party in the US?
Question 4: What is the purpose of the visit, NS Khrushchev in the United States?
Question 5. XIV UN General Assembly approved:
Task 41
Question 1. When NS Khrushchev was removed from all his posts?
Question 2. The solution of the plenum was the beginning of "economic reform" in 1956?
Question 3. In what year was adopted by the Food Program?
Question 4: Who first proposed the concept of "developed socialism"?
Question 5: Who owns the idea of \u200b\u200bconvening the European Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe?
Task 42
Question 1. How many tasks identified for state welfare of the people in the 12 Five-Year Plan?
Question 2. Among the objectives of improving the welfare of the people paid special attention to:
Question 3: What was the purpose of economic reform in 1990?
Question 4: When was the scheduled transition to a regulated market economy?
Question 5. The program "500 days" - a program:
Task 43
Question 1: When was the scheduled transition to the rule of law?
Question 2: Which of the objectives of the reform of the political system is paramount?
Question 3. How many republics have expressed a desire to join the Commonwealth of sovereign states?
Question 4. How many people was part of the Emergency Committee?
Question 5. When was officially recognized by the dissolution of the Soviet Union?
Task 44
Question 1. When BN Yeltsin was elected President?
Question 2: Who was responsible for the privatization of the country?
Question 3. When voucher privatization was approved?
Question 4. The most important direction of Russian foreign policy were:
Question 5. When the Declaration was signed to end the "cold war"?
Task 45
Question 1. In December 1993, was adopted:
Question 2. What is the term of the State Duma are elected?
Question 3: When was the first time held the inauguration?
Question 4: What was the precondition for the beginning of the "war of compromising materials"?
Question 5. The denomination banknotes, which began in January 1998 took place in the ratio of: