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14.1. A special role in the global evolutionary process plays ...
A) the principle of maximum power;
B) the principle of minimum energy dissipation; B) the principle of superposition;
D) the principle of similarities between the two systems.
14.2. After that there is a development from the lower to the higher?
A) improving the properties of reflection that raise the level of organization and security structures, expansion of their functionality;
B) improving the properties of the assignment;
B) lowering the level of development;
D) reduction in the reliability of structures.
14.3. What refers to the evolutionary triad:
A) variation, heredity, selection; B) is constant, the universality; B) non-linearity;
D) instability and openness.
14.4. The elementary structure of evolution, according to modern concepts - is:
A) cell; B) the body; B) population;
D) biocenosis.
14.5. In the modern theory of evolution "waves of life" - is:
A) waves of the ocean;
B) periodic changes in Earth's climate;
B) quantitative fluctuations in the population;
D) increase in the number of inbreeding.
14.6. The discovery led to the emergence of stability gene flow genetic:
A) neolamarkizma;
B) antimendelizma;
B) antilamarkizma;
D) antidarvninizma.
14.7. What is the cycle of the organism from the zygote to death:
A) phylogeny; B) ontogeny;
B) aromorphosis; D) metamorphosis.
14.8. Micro-evolution is the process of formation of new:
A) species; B) subspecies;
B) genera and families;
D) classes and types.
14.9. What type of interaction between organisms is not coevolution:
A) symbiosis; B) parasitism;
B) biogeocoenosis; D) society.
14.10. In modern science, "co-evolution" means:
A) the present stage of evolution of life on earth;
B) mutual adaptation of species;
B) destruction of biocenoses;
D) is the tough fight for existence.
A) the principle of maximum power;
B) the principle of minimum energy dissipation; B) the principle of superposition;
D) the principle of similarities between the two systems.
14.2. After that there is a development from the lower to the higher?
A) improving the properties of reflection that raise the level of organization and security structures, expansion of their functionality;
B) improving the properties of the assignment;
B) lowering the level of development;
D) reduction in the reliability of structures.
14.3. What refers to the evolutionary triad:
A) variation, heredity, selection; B) is constant, the universality; B) non-linearity;
D) instability and openness.
14.4. The elementary structure of evolution, according to modern concepts - is:
A) cell; B) the body; B) population;
D) biocenosis.
14.5. In the modern theory of evolution "waves of life" - is:
A) waves of the ocean;
B) periodic changes in Earth's climate;
B) quantitative fluctuations in the population;
D) increase in the number of inbreeding.
14.6. The discovery led to the emergence of stability gene flow genetic:
A) neolamarkizma;
B) antimendelizma;
B) antilamarkizma;
D) antidarvninizma.
14.7. What is the cycle of the organism from the zygote to death:
A) phylogeny; B) ontogeny;
B) aromorphosis; D) metamorphosis.
14.8. Micro-evolution is the process of formation of new:
A) species; B) subspecies;
B) genera and families;
D) classes and types.
14.9. What type of interaction between organisms is not coevolution:
A) symbiosis; B) parasitism;
B) biogeocoenosis; D) society.
14.10. In modern science, "co-evolution" means:
A) the present stage of evolution of life on earth;
B) mutual adaptation of species;
B) destruction of biocenoses;
D) is the tough fight for existence.