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8. Biosphere and civilization
18.1. The determining effect of human intelligence on the development of nature is:
A) biosphere; B) biocenosis;
B) ethnogenesis; D) noosphere.
18.2. The concept of ethnogenesis Gumilyov refers to varieties:
A) the oceanic concept;
B) the doctrine of the noosphere;
B) the theory of axial time;
D) geographical determinism.
18.3. According to L.N. Gumilev, the development of ethnic groups is determined to a large extent:
A) solar activity;
B) activity passionaries;
D) geographical environment;
D) an artificial habitat.
18.4. Noospheric development is ...
A) reasonably managed co-development of society, man and nature, in which satisfaction of the vital needs of the population is carried out without prejudice to the interests of future generations;
B) Greening the planet;
C) the joint development of human society and scientific and technological progress;
D) the capitalist development of society, which has the goal of obtaining maximum profit.
18.5. Humanity on earth will survive if ...
A) actual anthropogenic impacts on the biosphere will not exceed the threshold critical level;
B) nuclear power will be replaced by alternative types of energy;
B) the ozone layer of the Earth will be preserved;
D) Global warming will be prevented.
18.6. Who was the first to propose the term "ecology" to denote the science of the relationship of organisms with the habitat:
A. Darwin; B) E. Haeckel;
C. V.Vernadsky; D) I. Prigogine.
18.7. In what period do we live in an ecological way?
A) biogenic; B) noospheric;
C) technogenic; D) the transition from the technogenic to the noospheric.
18.8. What does nature formulate in order for the probability of processes to become zero?
A) Opportunities; B) the order;
B) schemes; B) the conditions;
18.9. Specify the only correct answer. The reason for the contradiction between nature and reason is ...
A) nature puts itself above reason;
B) the mind puts itself above nature;
B) is something third, not giving a normal understanding;
D) There is no contradiction between nature and reason.
18.10. From what three interconnected and functionally determined through each other phenomena the world consists?
A) variability, heredity, selection;
B) nonlinearity, openness, self-organization;
C) Nature, the Logos (the World Intellect) and Man;
D) there is no correct answer.
#PASS tests