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Criminal law special part of the test with the answers, 265.
Task 1.
1. A special part of criminal law - is:
a) the set of criminal law, ustanavli¬vayuschih principles and general provisions of criminal law relating to criminal law, crime, punishment and dismissal of criminal responsibility and punishment;
b) a set of criminal law, and legal terms ustanavli¬vayuschih signs of socially dangerous acts that are crimes, as well as specific penalties imposed for their commission;
c) an integral part of the legal system is a system established by the state standards that oprede¬lyayut range of acts recognized as crimes, the type and amount of punishment for these acts, as well as rules and conditions pri¬meneniya sentencing;
d) all answers are correct.
2. The value of the Special Part of the Criminal Law:
a) contains an exhaustive list of acts that constitute crimes;
b) contains a definition of the concepts and institutions ugolov¬nogo law;
c) it contains the basic objectives and principles of criminal law;
g) contains the base release the person from criminal responsibility and punishment.
3. Under the criminalization of the criminal law policy sle¬duet understand:
a) The process of changing the rules of the Special Part of is¬klyucheniya by individual offenses ceased to be socially dangerous;
b) The process of changing the rules of the Special Part of it by vve¬deniya new offenses as a result of new vy¬yavleniya socially dangerous forms of individual behavior;
c) the process of changing the basic objectives and principles ugo¬lovnogo law.
4. The system of the Special Part of the Criminal law - is:
a) scientifically based layout rules oprede¬lyayuschih responsible for certain crimes on certain groups, depending on the generality of the generic object, as well as relative to each other within each group;
b) the location of the scientifically based standards oprede¬lyayuschih principles and general provisions of criminal law relating to criminal law, crime and nakaza¬niyu;
c) science-based layout rules oprede¬lyayuschih sequence of kinds of criminal posyaga¬telstv from most dangerous to least dangerous.
5. Under the decriminalization of the criminal law policy should be understood:
a) The process of changing the rules of the Special Part of is¬klyucheniya by individual offenses ceased to be socially dangerous;
b) The process of changing the basic objectives and principles ugo¬lovnogo law;
c) the process of changing the rules of the Special Part of it by vve¬deniya new offenses as a result of new vy¬yavleniya socially dangerous forms of individual behavior.
Task 2.
1. Subject of the Special Part of the science of criminal law ob¬razuet:
a) criminal law on liability for ot¬delnye crimes;
b) the practice of criminal law;
c) recommendations on the improvement of existing laws and improve their application;
d) all answers are correct.
2. Qualification of crimes - is:
a) classification of a phenomenon in its qualitative characteristics to any category, type and category;
b) the establishment of a causal link between the act and sover¬shennym socially dangerous po¬sledstvy;
c) the establishment of acts soot¬vetstvuyuschego signs of a crime;
g) the application of penalties to the person who has committed an act which constitutes a criminal law as a crime.
3. The legal basis is the qualification of crimes:
a) the offense;
b) the offense;
c) socially dangerous act;
g) the composition of the offense;
d) the criminal conduct of a person.
4. Types of qualification of crimes:
a) mixed and separate;
b) The restrictive and expansive;
c) the official (legal) and informal (doctrinal);
g) systematic and codification.
5. Official qualification of crimes - a criminal-legal assessment of the events produced:
Task 1.
1. A special part of criminal law - is:
a) the set of criminal law, ustanavli¬vayuschih principles and general provisions of criminal law relating to criminal law, crime, punishment and dismissal of criminal responsibility and punishment;
b) a set of criminal law, and legal terms ustanavli¬vayuschih signs of socially dangerous acts that are crimes, as well as specific penalties imposed for their commission;
c) an integral part of the legal system is a system established by the state standards that oprede¬lyayut range of acts recognized as crimes, the type and amount of punishment for these acts, as well as rules and conditions pri¬meneniya sentencing;
d) all answers are correct.
2. The value of the Special Part of the Criminal Law:
a) contains an exhaustive list of acts that constitute crimes;
b) contains a definition of the concepts and institutions ugolov¬nogo law;
c) it contains the basic objectives and principles of criminal law;
g) contains the base release the person from criminal responsibility and punishment.
3. Under the criminalization of the criminal law policy sle¬duet understand:
a) The process of changing the rules of the Special Part of is¬klyucheniya by individual offenses ceased to be socially dangerous;
b) The process of changing the rules of the Special Part of it by vve¬deniya new offenses as a result of new vy¬yavleniya socially dangerous forms of individual behavior;
c) the process of changing the basic objectives and principles ugo¬lovnogo law.
4. The system of the Special Part of the Criminal law - is:
a) scientifically based layout rules oprede¬lyayuschih responsible for certain crimes on certain groups, depending on the generality of the generic object, as well as relative to each other within each group;
b) the location of the scientifically based standards oprede¬lyayuschih principles and general provisions of criminal law relating to criminal law, crime and nakaza¬niyu;
c) science-based layout rules oprede¬lyayuschih sequence of kinds of criminal posyaga¬telstv from most dangerous to least dangerous.
5. Under the decriminalization of the criminal law policy should be understood:
a) The process of changing the rules of the Special Part of is¬klyucheniya by individual offenses ceased to be socially dangerous;
b) The process of changing the basic objectives and principles ugo¬lovnogo law;
c) the process of changing the rules of the Special Part of it by vve¬deniya new offenses as a result of new vy¬yavleniya socially dangerous forms of individual behavior.
Task 2.
1. Subject of the Special Part of the science of criminal law ob¬razuet:
a) criminal law on liability for ot¬delnye crimes;
b) the practice of criminal law;
c) recommendations on the improvement of existing laws and improve their application;
d) all answers are correct.
2. Qualification of crimes - is:
a) classification of a phenomenon in its qualitative characteristics to any category, type and category;
b) the establishment of a causal link between the act and sover¬shennym socially dangerous po¬sledstvy;
c) the establishment of acts soot¬vetstvuyuschego signs of a crime;
g) the application of penalties to the person who has committed an act which constitutes a criminal law as a crime.
3. The legal basis is the qualification of crimes:
a) the offense;
b) the offense;
c) socially dangerous act;
g) the composition of the offense;
d) the criminal conduct of a person.
4. Types of qualification of crimes:
a) mixed and separate;
b) The restrictive and expansive;
c) the official (legal) and informal (doctrinal);
g) systematic and codification.
5. Official qualification of crimes - a criminal-legal assessment of the events produced:
Task 3.
1. Competition criminal law - is:
a) the commission of a socially dangerous person deya¬niya comprising of an offense under two or more rules of criminal law;
b) the ratio between the two criminal law, the compositions of which comprise one and the same act, yavlyayu¬scheesya single offense;
c) a person committing two or more crimes, pre¬dusmotrennyh criminal law.
2. If the norms of qualification of crimes:
a) Only the Special Part;
b) Only the General Part;
c) Common features and parts;
d) the Special Part, and in some cases, the General Part.
3. Under the assassination mean:
a) the wrongful intentional infliction of death to another person;
b) the intentional infliction of death to another person;
c) negligent infliction of death to another person.
4. To what kind of corpus delicti refers murder?
a) material; b) formal; c) truncated.
5. murder with aggravating circumstances are (several correct answers):
a) the murder of the mother of a newborn baby;
b) The murder of a woman known to the perpetrator to be pregnant;
c) the murder of hooliganism;
d) murder committed with special cruelty.
Task 4.
1. What is meant by murder with special cruelty?
a) The method of killing selected guilty, was obviously fraught with special suffering of the victim;
b) murder, if the actions of the perpetrator several deaths;
c) a mockery of a corpse after the murder.
2. What is meant by murder, committed dangerous way?
a) murder, committed in a manner dangerous to the victim and his family;
b) murder committed with the use of any weapon;
c) the perpetrator consciously applied this method of causing death, which is known for it was dangerous to life not only the victim, but also of others.
3. What kinds of infanticide provides art. 106 of the Criminal Code?
a) the murder of the mother of a newborn child during or immediately after birth;
b) the murder of the mother of a newborn child in a traumatic situation;
c) the murder of the mother of a newborn child in a state of mental disorder not excluding sanity;
d) all of the above options are correct.
4. Under what conditions actions of the person to be qualified as murder committed in the heat of passion (several correct answers)?
5. What form of guilt is characterized by causing death by negligence?
Task 5.
1. Since when considered over the offense - incitement to suicide?
2. What is a mandatory feature of a crime - incitement to suicide should be set?
3. What is the gradation of harm under the Criminal Code of 1996.?
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1. Competition criminal law - is:
a) the commission of a socially dangerous person deya¬niya comprising of an offense under two or more rules of criminal law;
b) the ratio between the two criminal law, the compositions of which comprise one and the same act, yavlyayu¬scheesya single offense;
c) a person committing two or more crimes, pre¬dusmotrennyh criminal law.
2. If the norms of qualification of crimes:
a) Only the Special Part;
b) Only the General Part;
c) Common features and parts;
d) the Special Part, and in some cases, the General Part.
3. Under the assassination mean:
a) the wrongful intentional infliction of death to another person;
b) the intentional infliction of death to another person;
c) negligent infliction of death to another person.
4. To what kind of corpus delicti refers murder?
a) material; b) formal; c) truncated.
5. murder with aggravating circumstances are (several correct answers):
a) the murder of the mother of a newborn baby;
b) The murder of a woman known to the perpetrator to be pregnant;
c) the murder of hooliganism;
d) murder committed with special cruelty.
Task 4.
1. What is meant by murder with special cruelty?
a) The method of killing selected guilty, was obviously fraught with special suffering of the victim;
b) murder, if the actions of the perpetrator several deaths;
c) a mockery of a corpse after the murder.
2. What is meant by murder, committed dangerous way?
a) murder, committed in a manner dangerous to the victim and his family;
b) murder committed with the use of any weapon;
c) the perpetrator consciously applied this method of causing death, which is known for it was dangerous to life not only the victim, but also of others.
3. What kinds of infanticide provides art. 106 of the Criminal Code?
a) the murder of the mother of a newborn child during or immediately after birth;
b) the murder of the mother of a newborn child in a traumatic situation;
c) the murder of the mother of a newborn child in a state of mental disorder not excluding sanity;
d) all of the above options are correct.
4. Under what conditions actions of the person to be qualified as murder committed in the heat of passion (several correct answers)?
5. What form of guilt is characterized by causing death by negligence?
Task 5.
1. Since when considered over the offense - incitement to suicide?
2. What is a mandatory feature of a crime - incitement to suicide should be set?
3. What is the gradation of harm under the Criminal Code of 1996.?
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If you like the work, please leave feedback, this will help you to increase the product list of inexpensive but high-quality work.
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