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The module allows you to search for companies with multiple types of filtering
- Country, region or city
- By categories, with the ability to specify the categories, sub-categories and podpodkategorii in any amount, using a system of checkboxes (selection is made based on the module "CHECKBOX CATEGORIES" https://shortboosting.com//asp/pay.asp?id_d=1723432&agent=0 )
- The search query with the search for a search word in the title and description of the company
All search results are stored on any page of the catalog.
The module can be connected both separately and in a template, including in the side column.
All tags are similar to labels template sub_x.tpl
Important !!! For operation of the module is required to modify the "country-region-city" (https://shortboosting.com//asp/pay.asp?id_d=1344521&agent=0), which is necessary to filter through the city
- Country, region or city
- By categories, with the ability to specify the categories, sub-categories and podpodkategorii in any amount, using a system of checkboxes (selection is made based on the module "CHECKBOX CATEGORIES" https://shortboosting.com//asp/pay.asp?id_d=1723432&agent=0 )
- The search query with the search for a search word in the title and description of the company
All search results are stored on any page of the catalog.
The module can be connected both separately and in a template, including in the side column.
All tags are similar to labels template sub_x.tpl
Important !!! For operation of the module is required to modify the "country-region-city" (https://shortboosting.com//asp/pay.asp?id_d=1344521&agent=0), which is necessary to filter through the city
Preview of the module can be reached at http://wazzup.su/catalog/