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As you know, search engines "love" and more appreciate the sites page titles that translit. Ie When Russian characters are replaced by corresponding English letters.

The complexity of transliteration from Russian into English for the search engines is that it is necessary to take into account the rules of writing URL addresses. The URL address is allowed to use only valid characters, otherwise an error occurs. Do not use spaces and many other characters.

Presented two separate javascript and PHP functions make it easy to perform the transliteration from Russian into English and write the Russian letters of the Latin alphabet.

Examples ========== transliteration: ==========

Line: transliteration from Russian into English in URL format

Result: transliteraciya-s-russkogo-na-anglijskij-v-url-format

Line: (ORIGIN / RegionFree / RU / PL) + DISCOUNT + BONUS

Result: origin-regionfree-ru-pl-skidki-bonus

Line: $ 15 (USA) 12 MONTHS (RU | EU | US) | GIFT | DISCOUNTS

Result: 15-usa-12-mesyacev-ru-eu-us-podarok-skidki

========== The composition of the archive includes: ==========

1. Scripts transliteration Javascript.

2. transliteration scripts in PHP.

3. Ready html example №1.

4. Ready html example №2.

5. Partly certificate.

========== Transliteration feature performs: ==========

1. Transformation of Russian letters to the relevant English letters.

2. Remove duplicate spaces and replace them with your specified character. By default, the symbol of the replacement gap is a sign of a short dash '-'

3. Delete all invalid characters in the URL address, and replacing them with wildcard spaces. Group invalid characters will be reduced to a single character replacement.

4. The case conversion from upper to lower, ie all capital letters to small.

5. Removal of the extreme left and right gaps and wildcard.

6. Removing the line breaks.

Function Description ========== transliteration: ==========

- Ready-to-use function (script).

- Takes two values:

1st value is a string in Russian transliteration,

2nd value is wildcard spaces.

- Returns a string recorded translit, according to the rules of URL format.

- The script is completely open source.

- Each line has a comment.
========== ========== License

Do not:

1.Pereprodazha data plati.ru scripts and other resources.

2.Publichnaya publication of the code scripts.

3.Prisvoenie authorship.

Permission is granted to:

1.Ustanavlivat scripts for an unlimited number of its sites, edit and modify the code.