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Lesson number 10
Theme: "Civil responsibility"
Practical problems
Problem 1. Elizabeth Emelyanova lived on the street. Gogol in a room of 8 sq.m. After the death of his son Yegor in Chechnya, the local government has issued a warrant for her one-bedroom apartment in a new building on the street. Semashko. After a couple of months to come Emel'janovoj unknown man showed her a warrant for the same apartment. It turned out to Perov, who demanded the release of his legitimate living space. Yemelyanov consulted a lawyer Semenova, considering their housing rights have been violated.
1. Assess the situation contained.
2. Model the content of legal advice lawyer Semenova.
3. What (what) the method (s) of protection of civil rights Emel'janovoj, in your opinion, the most appropriate?
4. Predict the outcome of the review (resolution) of the dispute on the basis of the chosen method of protection of civil rights Emel'janovoj.
Problem 2. Residents storey building on Prospekt Lenin Nizhny Novgorod during the month began to notice how during the night of 56 apartments makes noise and the sharp smell of paint products. Numerous complaints of neighbors tenants apartment 56 Feofanova did not react and continued their nocturnal activities.
1. Give the legal assessment of the actions Feofanova.
2. How, in your opinion, should be done to victims residents in this situation?
3. What (what) of the methods of protection of civil rights of the most expedient (s) in this fable?
4. Model the outcome of the dispute.
Theme: "Civil responsibility"
Practical problems
Problem 1. Elizabeth Emelyanova lived on the street. Gogol in a room of 8 sq.m. After the death of his son Yegor in Chechnya, the local government has issued a warrant for her one-bedroom apartment in a new building on the street. Semashko. After a couple of months to come Emel'janovoj unknown man showed her a warrant for the same apartment. It turned out to Perov, who demanded the release of his legitimate living space. Yemelyanov consulted a lawyer Semenova, considering their housing rights have been violated.
1. Assess the situation contained.
2. Model the content of legal advice lawyer Semenova.
3. What (what) the method (s) of protection of civil rights Emel'janovoj, in your opinion, the most appropriate?
4. Predict the outcome of the review (resolution) of the dispute on the basis of the chosen method of protection of civil rights Emel'janovoj.
Problem 2. Residents storey building on Prospekt Lenin Nizhny Novgorod during the month began to notice how during the night of 56 apartments makes noise and the sharp smell of paint products. Numerous complaints of neighbors tenants apartment 56 Feofanova did not react and continued their nocturnal activities.
1. Give the legal assessment of the actions Feofanova.
2. How, in your opinion, should be done to victims residents in this situation?
3. What (what) of the methods of protection of civil rights of the most expedient (s) in this fable?
4. Model the outcome of the dispute.
Problem 3. Three times each winter garden Alexander Ignatov subjected thefts unknown. After another steal Ignatov had to spend time and energy on the restoration of glass in window openings and installation of a new door lock. Wanting to protect their property available means, Ignatov at the beginning of the next winter, he built a device which, in contact with him an electric current. Ignatov device disguised by a Christmas tinsel and placed near the front door and window openings holiday home. In early January, Ignatov was summoned to the police station and reported that near his dacha was found injured Yusupov. As it turned out Yusupov, with the intention to steal property Ignatov, broke the glass and, making his way through the window opening, got a shock. Under the influence of electricity attacker suffered a serious leg injury and was hospitalized, and later was recognized as invalid of the first group. Yusupov appealed to the court to Ignatov, demanding compensation for the harm caused to health and moral damage compensation in connection with disability.
1. Give the legal assessment of the actions Ignatov and Yusupov in civil law.
2. Model the decision.
Problem 4. In one of the newspapers of Krasnodymska published an article that the city administration had approved the disposal of waste outside the city of the oil and gas industry. His decision authorities explained merchantability and substantial replenishment of the budget. Income funds promised to use for the development of the sport of the younger generation. Concerned citizens, calling the administration, convinced of the truth of the publication. Environmental experts together with citizens organized a rally of protest demanding to give the authorities of such a project, because the harm from industrial waste disposal negative impact on their descendants. The government ignored the public's reaction.
1. Assess the situation contained.
2. What are the means of protecting civil rights you advise to take advantage of citizens and environmentalists?
3. Model the outcome of the dispute.
Problem 5. In December 2005, Igor Matveev (16 years) and Oleg Nefedov (12 years), while the suburban area around Vopilina Michael began exploding firecrackers. One of the firecrackers fell on the fence suburban area, and there was a fire. Flame of fire more than half burned himself a fence and hit holiday home. Vopilin Michael turned to the court Prioksky district of Nizhny Novgorod, demanding to recover from the parents and Matveeva Nefedova in equal shares. During the trial it became clear that Igor Matveev has a small income.
1. Does the action Matveeva and Nefedova composition tort?
2. If so, what type of civil liability occurs in the situation described?
3. What, in your opinion, should the court's decision?
Problem 6. Claudia Shishkin before leaving for the short trip Ivan Suslov asked a neighbor to look after her fish. Suslov agreed. Claudia left neighbor food and apartment keys. Upon returning home, Claudia discovered that killed five fish (family Moray). Shishkin asked Suslov reimburse it the value of dead fish at a rate of 2500 rubles. Suslov refused to comply with the requirement Shishkina. Claudia Shishkin filed a lawsuit in court.
1. comes whether in this case the civil liability for Suslov?
2. If so, what kind of name civil liability.
3. What will be the decision of the court?
Problem 7. Karasev, being drunk crossed the roadway at a red light. Managing Filipenko car tried to avoid a collision with a pedestrian Karasev, was forced to go on the side of the road. Karasev received a glancing blow from which only got a bruise. Moving in
1. Give the legal assessment of the actions Ignatov and Yusupov in civil law.
2. Model the decision.
Problem 4. In one of the newspapers of Krasnodymska published an article that the city administration had approved the disposal of waste outside the city of the oil and gas industry. His decision authorities explained merchantability and substantial replenishment of the budget. Income funds promised to use for the development of the sport of the younger generation. Concerned citizens, calling the administration, convinced of the truth of the publication. Environmental experts together with citizens organized a rally of protest demanding to give the authorities of such a project, because the harm from industrial waste disposal negative impact on their descendants. The government ignored the public's reaction.
1. Assess the situation contained.
2. What are the means of protecting civil rights you advise to take advantage of citizens and environmentalists?
3. Model the outcome of the dispute.
Problem 5. In December 2005, Igor Matveev (16 years) and Oleg Nefedov (12 years), while the suburban area around Vopilina Michael began exploding firecrackers. One of the firecrackers fell on the fence suburban area, and there was a fire. Flame of fire more than half burned himself a fence and hit holiday home. Vopilin Michael turned to the court Prioksky district of Nizhny Novgorod, demanding to recover from the parents and Matveeva Nefedova in equal shares. During the trial it became clear that Igor Matveev has a small income.
1. Does the action Matveeva and Nefedova composition tort?
2. If so, what type of civil liability occurs in the situation described?
3. What, in your opinion, should the court's decision?
Problem 6. Claudia Shishkin before leaving for the short trip Ivan Suslov asked a neighbor to look after her fish. Suslov agreed. Claudia left neighbor food and apartment keys. Upon returning home, Claudia discovered that killed five fish (family Moray). Shishkin asked Suslov reimburse it the value of dead fish at a rate of 2500 rubles. Suslov refused to comply with the requirement Shishkina. Claudia Shishkin filed a lawsuit in court.
1. comes whether in this case the civil liability for Suslov?
2. If so, what kind of name civil liability.
3. What will be the decision of the court?
Problem 7. Karasev, being drunk crossed the roadway at a red light. Managing Filipenko car tried to avoid a collision with a pedestrian Karasev, was forced to go on the side of the road. Karasev received a glancing blow from which only got a bruise. Moving in