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In Age of Empires II: HD Edition, fans of the original game and new players alike will fall in love with the classic Age of Empires II experience. Explore all the original single player campaigns from both Age of Kings and The Conquerors expansion, choose from 18 civilizations spanning over a thousand years of history, and head online to challenge other Steam players in your quest for world domination throughout the ages. Originally developed by Ensemble Studios and re-imagined in high definition by Hidden Path Entertainment, and Skybox Labs, Microsoft Studios is proud to bring Age of Empires II: HD Edition to Steam!
Age of Empires II HD + The African Kingdoms + Forgotten (Steam Gift/RU+ CIS)
Age of Empires II HD + The African Kingdoms + Forgotten (Steam Gift/RU+ CIS)
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We are a young and ambitious project, whose aim is to sell you a quality product at low prices. The focus we put the availability of our products so that each buyer could find a game to your liking. We hope that you enjoy our service and you will support us with their reviews. We promise - will not be bored!