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Library API WebMoney Transfer for the language Python, implementing a whole set of functions HTTPS-interface for WebMoney Transfer Keeper Classic, requires an external program for generation of electronic signature algorithm SIGN, cross-platform (Python'om required to support SSL-sockets for the platform / availability features socket.ssl () /).

The variants of the implementation procedures SIGN-signature module extensions Python (for C / C ++), thus eliminating the use of an external (optional) program.

Developer Documentation is not yet available, but there is a test file test.py, which are checked (use) all realized functions.
#! / Usr / bin / python2.2 -O

"" "WebMoney Transfer

Keeper Classic HTTPS interface test module (c) 2003 eugene_beast

Encoding: cp1251

Instead xxxxxxxxxxxx substitute wmid & wm purse store and the client.

"" "

__version__ = (0, 0, 1, 'alpha')

from base import WMTError

from wmhttps import ClassicHTTPS as WMThttps

from wmxml import ClassicXML as WMTxml

# WMID customer

cl_wmid = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'

# WM-purse of the client

cl_wmpurse = 'Zxxxxxxxxxxxx'

# WMID store

t = WMThttps ('xxxxxxxxxxxx)

x = WMTxml ('xxxxxxxxxxxx')

# WM-purse shop

t.shop_wmpurse = x.shop_wmpurse = 'Zxxxxxxxxxxxx'

# Period under the patronage of money (for TransCreateProt) - 1 Day (default 3 days)

t.trans_prtime = x.trans_prtime = 1

# Account number and transfer transactions in the store

shop_inv_number = shop_trans_number = 1

------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------

print 'statement accounts, WMThttps.InvCreate () ...'

wm_inv_id = None


wm_inv_id = int (open ('test.wmt_inv_id', 'r'). readline ())

print 'Info: saved WMT Invoice ID found ...'



wm_inv_id = t.InvCreate (cl_wmid, 1.21, shop_inv_number, 'descr: test', 'address: void')

open ('test.wmt_inv_id', 'w'). write (str (wm_inv_id))

except WMTError, error:

print 'Error% s:'% error.errno, error.strerror

print 'WM Invoice ID:' + str (wm_inv_id)

------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------

print 'Checking account status, WMThttps.InvCheck () ...'

states = {-2: 'Account not found', \\

-1 'Bill has not been paid by the buyer refused to pay the bill', \\

0 'bill has not yet been paid by the buyer', \\

1 'bills paid, but protected transaction - money is not in the store to complete the protection code must be entered within the time limit patronage shop', \\

2 'bills paid, the money has already been transferred to the purse store}


state = x.InvCheck (shop_inv_number, cl_wmid, wm_inv_id)

print 'Classic XML:% d:% s'% (state, states [state])

except WMTError, error:

print 'Error% s:'% error.errno, error.strerror

# Test - stop right here

import sys

sys.exit (0)


state = t.InvCheck (shop_inv_number, cl_wmid, wm_inv_id)

print 'Classic HTTPS:% d:% s'% (state, states [state])

except WMTError, error:

print 'Error% s:'% error.errno, error.strerror

------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------

print 'Checking the purse identifier, WMThttps.CheckWMIDPurse () ...'

states = {0, 'The specified WM identifier does not exist', \\

1: 'WM identifier there, but he has said the purse', \\

2: 'WM identifier exists and has given a purse}

print '% s /% s must exist and have the wallet'% (cl_wmid, cl_wmpurse)


state = t.CheckWMIDPurse (cl_wmid, cl_wmpurse)

print state, states [state]

except WMTError, error:

print 'Error% s:'% error.errno, error.strerror

wrong_purse = 'Z813374817225'

print '% s /% s must exist but should not have the wallet'% (cl_wmid, wrong_purse)


state = t.CheckWMIDPurse (cl_wmid, wrong_purse)

print state, states [state]

except WMTError, error:

print 'Error% s:'% error.errno, error.strerror

wrong_wmid = '001000300000'

print '% s /% s should not exist identifier'% (wrong_wmid, wrong_purse)


state = t.CheckWMIDPurse (cl_wmid, wrong_purse)

print state, states [state]

except WMTError, error:

print 'Error% s:'% error.errno, error.strerror

------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------