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20 countdown timers for letters + PHP script and video instruction


Package Contents:

- Detailed instructions for installing and configuring the countdown script.
- 20 templating templates, which you can use immediately after downloading the set of materials.
- 12 free fonts for commercial use.
- PHP script countdown timer.
- Future updates of the set of materials.

Technical requirements

Timer script files are hosted on PHP hosting. Without PHP, the script will not work!

What you can edit:

- The background image of the timer.
- Font size - numbers.
- The position of the font on the coordinates of X-Y.
- Font color.
- The size of the timer.
- Set the timer countdown date.

You can not delve into the subtleties of setting up the countdown timer scripts, but use one of 20 customized timer display options.
A countdown timer that makes the letters work! Now you can use one of the most powerful selling triggers in the HTML-letters of your mailings.

Start using the timer right now

A selling trigger is a trigger that triggers certain processes. In our case, it will be the awakening of the desire for an instant decision. Surely you have already seen timers on many selling pages that signal to us - SUCCESS! The numbers will stop ticking and the train will leave ...

Thanks to the reverse report timer script for mailing letters, you can significantly increase the conversion of your emails. After all, the reader of the letter sees the counter before visiting the site. And for reasons beyond the reader's control, processes that require immediate decision-making are included within the person.

Get 20 countdown timer templates now to improve the quality of your marketing campaigns tomorrow. As a result, get more profit from your activities.

With the connection and configuration of the timer script, even the "kettle" can cope!

You get a kit with a step by step video instruction, which shows how to connect the countdown timer script on your domain. You will need less than 1 minute!

1. Installed the script - Connecting and setting the timer occurs in just three clicks.
2. Send a letter - Just one line of code to add to the HTML-template letter.
3. Profit - Timer reverse report motivates readers to instant actions.