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Loyalty discount! If the amount of your purchases from the seller WR-Script.ru is more than:
WR-Forum. Full version. Build date specified in the title. The price of the script is to help to set up or installation script.

:: Features ::

- Availability moderpaneli! Obedeniny with the admin. The entrance is from the page admin.php logins are: admin and moder. Password admin by default - admin. At Modera no password - change in the admin. Admin can all moder everything but change the settings of the forum and redktirovaniya / delete / move partition on the main forum;

- There is a simple and advanced search filter messages;

- Registered members in each message, you can attach files with zip, rar, 7z, doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, png - format. The function is disabled in the admin;

- The presence of an RSS feed with the latest messaging;

- The forum is integrated antispam, in flood, and antimat BAN over IP. "Penetration" bots less than 1%. There is an additional lock is sending messages and the creation of a guest. Robots will not work!

- Each registered user is charged a reputation for each topic, a message file attachment. Reputations can also be changed by other users, indicating the reasons. This system allows you to identify the leaders of the Forum and to reward them;

- There is an opportunity to exchange personal messages on the forum;

- Possibility of recording / viewing / editing profiles, avatars available downloads participants;

- The title and the title of the page is a line of type TOPIC -> Split -> Forum - which is useful for navigating the forum and good for the search engines;

- Display of new messages in the forum threads (all messages since your last visit stand);

- Tag [img] [/ img]. It allows you to display any image, located on the Internet. You must specify a URL, for example: [img] http://ya.ru/ya.gif [/ img];

- Each participant may give klikuhu (personal status) User type "WEB-master", "Chatterbox" and others. See the admininterfeyse;

- Type AutoCorrect addresses http://www.wr-script.ru on {http://www.wr-script.ru};

- AutoCorrect smilies to images (of the archive consists of 11 smileys)

Universal admin panel with possibilities:

- Select the number of display themes / messages on each page;

- The ability to move sections / topics, as well as edit and delete topics / messages may be.

- Create / edit / delete a vote in each subject;

The price of the script is to help to set up or installation script.