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Electronic test. 2018. - 58 p. This file includes: a test in MicrosoftExcel format, a table of full calculation of test results on scales with a transfer to T-points + scaleLies, an automatic calculation of the result obtained + a questionnaire form and a general interpretation of the test (manual variant).

Source for the electronic test: Californian psychological questionnaire CaliforniaPsychologicalInventory (CPI). The original (new) version of CPI-462 (Gough, 1987). The author is an American sociologist and psychologist Harrison G. Gough (Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, UniversityofCalofornia, Berkeley, California).
Authors of the Russian version - Tarabrina NV, Ph.D. (Institute of Psychology RAS),
Countess N.A. (Center for Psychology and Psychotherapy). Contingent of subjects: CPI is applied from 14 years and older.

The subject of testing: a set of specific features or properties of the personality, manifested by it in real situations of interpersonal interaction.
Tasks of testing: definition of personal type and style of interpersonal interaction; predicting behavior in real situations of interpersonal interaction.

The test includes and describes the following scales.
1. Evaluation of poise, authority, self-confidence, adequacy in interpersonal communication.
Scale L (added by the authors of the electronic version).
Ability to status.
Social presence.

2. Measuring the level of socialization, maturity, responsibility and structured values in interpersonal communication.
A responsibility.
Good impression.
Feeling of well-being.

3. Assessment of potential achievements and effectiveness in the intellectual sphere.
Achievement through submission.
Achievement through independence.
Intellectual efficiency.
Psychological mentality.
Femininity / masculinity.

Center for Psychiatric Care and Professional Psychophysiological Selection. Authors of the program: Golev SV, Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Goleva OS, Master of Psychology.
The material was developed within the framework of the program "Psychodiagnostics in Excel".
Recommended for psychologists, educators, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, doctors, coach-coaches