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QUESTION 1. Name and reveal the functions of the state.

QUESTION 2. How is the rule of law at the present stage understood?

QUESTION 3. What are the main functions of law

QUESTION 4. What is understood by the normative legal act?

QUESTION 5. What is the system of law in Russia?

QUESTION 6. What types of legal behavior do you know?

QUESTION 7. What are the features of the federal system of Russia?

QUESTION 8. What underlies the formation of the legal system of a market economy?

QUESTION 9. How does the civil code of the Russian Federation understand civil legal capacity and civil capacity?

QUESTION 10. How do obligations differ in their legal characteristics?

QUESTION 11. What are the main ways to fulfill obligations.

QUESTION 12. List the main principles of family law.

QUESTION 13. What is the basis for depriving parental rights?

QUESTION 14. How is the opening of the inheritance?

QUESTION 15. On what grounds can the employment contract be terminated?
QUESTION 1. Name and reveal the functions of the state.

Let's start with the definition of what a State is - a political entity that is nothing more than a definite form or a certain way of organizing society. This education is characterized by the presence of an established territory, the population living there and a special apparatus for the exercise of power, a sovereign and relying on the monopoly of possible violence. Public relations in this form of organization of society are regulated by the rules of law, which are sanctioned, or established by the apparatus of power, or, in any case, are provided to them.
The functions of the state are the strategic directions of its activities, in which its essence and purpose are expressed in society. Since the functions of the state are formed objectively, under the decisive impact of the goals and tasks conditioned by the social and economic structures of society, in terms of functions the essence of the state receives a concrete expression.
During the development of the state, some functions arise, others die, others change their content. By the action time, permanent and temporary functions can be allocated. Political, social, and economic are permanent. Temporary can be associated with extreme situations, such as waging war. In the sphere of political orientation, internal and external functions are distinguished. Internal functions characterize the activities of the state within the country, external functions outside the country. In connection with the fact that the objects of influence of the functions of the state are the spheres of public life - the economy, the social structure, the spiritual life of society, the established social order - functions can be economic, ideological, protective, political, both in external and internal activities of the state .
In general terms, the functions of the state can be represented in the form of the following system.
I. Functions of exercising sovereignty
1. Functions of external sovereignty:
- national defense (or security);
- implementation of external relations.
2. Functions of internal sovereignty:
- internal security;
- Justice and registration of acts of civil status.
3. Actually political functions:
- ensuring the functioning of political institutions;
- Relations with public organizations and institutions;
- informing the public about political goals.
II. Economic Functions
1. Issue of banknotes.
2. Special Actions:
- in various areas of economic life (for example, the creation of a public sector in one of the branches of the economy);
- for carrying out various functions and solving problems that are of importance for all or a few sectors of the economy (carrying out studies of economic importance, developing on their basis forecasts of economic development and recommendations for business, vocational training, investment).
3. General coordination of economic and financial policies, including economic planning (coordination can be carried out through government procurement, state lending, taxation).
III. Social functions
1. Activities in the field of health.
2. Activities in the field of housing and urban construction.
3. Protection of social and professional rights and interests.
4. Provision of benefits "socially inferior" (disabled, single mothers, orphans, elderly people, young people).
5. Preservation or transformation of social layers and structures (for example: farming, enterprises that are in collective ownership).