0.03 $
Loyalty discount! If the amount of your purchases from the seller _Judge_ is more than:
Coins FIFA 20 Ultimate Team for the PlayStation 4
Fast delivery of coins. If you purchased a night coin, take the time to do a refund, we will contact you in the morning and give a coin!
The purchase process:
1. Before payment please contact our operator using the internal chat Plati.ru
2. After clarification of all details of the operator, your purchase by using one of a variety of payment options. Then you will receive a unique 16-digit code.
3. Provide a unique code to our operator, which is your proof of payment for the goods.
4. Coin Delivery Methods:
Player's auction - coins are transferred by auction, we inform you how to put the player (s) on the transfer market, and then redeem them. Thus, the coins are credited to your account.
Comfort Trade - you MUST work the transfer market in the web application. You fill in the data from origin (email from origin, password from origin, backup codes in origin) and we replenish your account.
5. If you want us to compensate 5% of the EA fee for the response, immediately after the purchase, leave a review.
In order to post comments, go to oplata.info page in the section "My purchases", enter The email you provided when making a purchase, and follow the instructions for a list of products purchased by you.
Select the item and leave feedback at the bottom of the page.
Please specify the time of delivery of coins from our operator.
You must have at least 25,000 coins on your account, contact your operator for details.
ATTENTION! According to the game rules prohibited the purchase of game currency, or any other transaction for real money, in the case of sanctions by the administration of the game, we do not assume any responsibility for your team or for the money. Paying for the purchase, you agree to accept full responsibility.
New paragraph to the user agreement. It looks like this: "in no case is it possible to engage in targeted accumulation of coins." In this regard, I recommend after buying the coins, and even after selling expensive players from the packs immediately spend coins, because you yourself know how "good" and "no bugs" is working fifa in recent years.
Thank you for us, and a successful game!