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Exercise 1.
Study the Introduction and Chapter 1, p. 1.1 ..
Choose the correct answer to the question and mark it in the answer card.
Question 1. Business communication is based on knowledge:
1. sociology;
2. psychology;
3. management;
4. logic;
5. all of the above disciplines.
Question 2. Verbal means of communication include:
1. oral speech;
2.written speech
3. oral and written speech;
4. intonation of the voice;
5. literacy.
Question 3. Which of the following means of communication are non-verbal?
1. gestures;
2. poses;
3. facial expressions;
4. facial expression;
5. all of the above.
Question 4. In the process of communication, the perception of the message by the partner is followed by….
1. evaluation of the message;
2. interpretation of the message;
3. feedback;
4. highlighting and understanding the semantic part;
5. transmission of the message.
Question 5. The key phase of communication is….
2. selection of the message transmission channel;
3. forecasting the picture of the world available to the interlocutor and striving to bring our message closer to it as much as possible;
4. choice of words and grammar;
5. feedback.

Task 2.
Study chapter 1, items 1.2, 1.3.
Choose the correct answer to the question and mark it in the answer card.
Question 1. To the laws of managerial communication Panasyuk A.Yu. relates:
1. consent (disagreement) of a subordinate with the position of the head;
2. emotional (positive or negative) attitude towards the leader;
3. official subordination;
4. combination of formal and informal communication;
5. combination of oral and written methods of information exchange.
Question 2. Conducting a conversation in line with the expressed personal interest of the interlocutor refers to the psychological method of achieving disposition of the interlocutor:
1. "Proper name";
2. "Mirror of relations";
3. "Patient listener";
4. "Golden Words";
5. "Personal life".
Recommendations "Be attentive to the interlocutor!", "Do not interrupt the interlocutor, always listen to the end!" relate to the psychological method of achieving disposition to oneself the interlocutor:
1. "Proper name";
2. "Mirror of relations";
3. "Patient listener";
4. "Golden Words";
5. "Personal life".
Question 4. The statement "In everything you want people to do to you, so do you with them" characterizes the rule of D. Carnegie:
1.Sincerely interested in other people Sincerely interested in other people
2.be a good listener
3. instill in the interlocutor a sense of his importance and do it sincerely
4. talk about what interests your interlocutor
5. Encourage others to talk about themselves
Task 20
Choose the correct answer to the question and mark it in the answer card.
Question 1. During the negotiations, you discovered that your partners' proposals are unrealistic, they are bluffing. What to do?
1. Directly and sharply tell them about it.
2. Try to bring the partner to a compromise solution during the negotiations.
3. Pretend that you have not noticed anything and continue negotiations.
4. Break off negotiations.
5. Try to bring the partner to a compromise solution during negotiations, but later refuse to cooperate.

Question 2. As a manager, you are negotiating a very large contract. Suddenly, in the middle of negotiations, a member of your delegation comes up with an initiative that runs counter to your plans. What to do?
1. Ask to take a break in negotiations and during this break talk with a subordinate.
2. To harshly besiege a subordinate during negotiations.
3. During negotiations, tell a subordinate in a rather mild form that he was mistaken.
4. During negotiations, tell the subordinate in a rather mild form that he was mistaken, then talk with him during the break.
5. Behavior in this situation largely depends on how serious what your subordinate suggested is at odds with your future intentions.

Question 3. You are successfully negotiating. A question is brought up for discussion that is beyond your authority. You have serious concerns that your management may not approve of your decision. How to be?
1. Continue negotiations further in the hope that their success speaks for itself, and as a result, when you sign the contract, it will be approved.
2. Tell your partner that for a final decision you need to agree on the results of negotiations with the management.
3. Do not say anything to the negotiating partner, but make a request to your management.
4. Refuse to further negotiate.
5. It is better to avoid such situations.

Question 4. One of the first steps in dealing with difficult people should be to….
1. take control of your emotions;
2. to be aware of the existence of some hidden interests or needs that they satisfy, acting in this way;
3. try not to take into account the words and behavior of another person;
4. use those communication techniques that allow you to give vent to the emotions of another person;
5. understand what desires and interests of a person make it difficult to communicate with him.

Question 5. In dealing with difficult people of various types….
1. general principles can be used successfully;
2. the most effective may be special approaches that take into account the characteristics of each type separately;
3. the key point is to remain flexible, to apply an appropriate approach to a particular person, taking into account his latent needs and interests;
4. The key to solving the problem is to openly discuss the reasons for the "difficult" behavior of a person;
5. It is especially important not to fall into the trap of responsibility.