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A selection of 4,000 chats where you can place a link to your channel in one way or another, promote it, agree on mutual exchange, free advertising.
Information in the database in an Excel file:
- Name.
- Link.
- Number of subscribers.
The file contains 4,000 chats. Sold in a pack, issued automatically.
Date of database collection: 2025
*Some channels may be deleted or blocked (no more than 5 from the number in the database). The number of subscribers may differ from the values in the table, as it changes every day.
Information in the database in an Excel file:
- Name.
- Link.
- Number of subscribers.
The file contains 4,000 chats. Sold in a pack, issued automatically.
Date of database collection: 2025
*Some channels may be deleted or blocked (no more than 5 from the number in the database). The number of subscribers may differ from the values in the table, as it changes every day.