Telegram sales have long exceeded hundreds of millions of dollars. The number of bot stores is in the tens of thousands and growing every day. Hurry up and ride the upward trend!
What can a bot do?
[IMG] Show the visitor a catalog of products with the ability to display detailed information about each (on request). Possible number of products in the catalog is not limited.
[IMG] Generate automatic payment links and accept payments (Qiwi).
[IMG] Provide goods to customers after payment receipt confirmation (electronic goods).
[IMG] Notify administrators about events, e.g. a request to buy physical (real) products from the catalog.
Benefits of the bot:
[IMG] Ability to sell goods "automatically".
[IMG] Number of products in the catalog is unlimited.
[IMG] The bot's simplicity and low price is ideal for those who want to start or test selling via Telegram with minimal investment.
[IMG] Automation of installation. You don't need to know how to program and know how linux servers work. Just fill the catalog with products and copy the script to the server (there is a detailed description of everything in the manual). The auto-install script will do the rest.
[IMG] You pay for the bot once. No subscription fees and other nonsense. One-time payment and the bot is yours.
What's included in the purchase:
- A detailed manual. It describes how to fill the bot with goods, how to transfer it to the server, and how to run it.
- The bot itself.
- The script automatically install and run the bot on the server.
What can a bot do?
[IMG] Show the visitor a catalog of products with the ability to display detailed information about each (on request). Possible number of products in the catalog is not limited.
[IMG] Generate automatic payment links and accept payments (Qiwi).
[IMG] Provide goods to customers after payment receipt confirmation (electronic goods).
[IMG] Notify administrators about events, e.g. a request to buy physical (real) products from the catalog.
Benefits of the bot:
[IMG] Ability to sell goods "automatically".
[IMG] Number of products in the catalog is unlimited.
[IMG] The bot's simplicity and low price is ideal for those who want to start or test selling via Telegram with minimal investment.
[IMG] Automation of installation. You don't need to know how to program and know how linux servers work. Just fill the catalog with products and copy the script to the server (there is a detailed description of everything in the manual). The auto-install script will do the rest.
[IMG] You pay for the bot once. No subscription fees and other nonsense. One-time payment and the bot is yours.
What's included in the purchase:
- A detailed manual. It describes how to fill the bot with goods, how to transfer it to the server, and how to run it.
- The bot itself.
- The script automatically install and run the bot on the server.