This is an auto-poster of content from Telegram channels to your own. The software is capable of receiving records/posts (photos, videos, files) in real time from the channels you specify and publish the resulting content on behalf of the channel on the channels you specify.
For example, take any channel that posted a photo "With the top chick," "Bookmaker's bets on today's matches," "Information courses," etc., etc. The script monitors all channels in real time and immediately detects a new post on the specified channels. When the post is detected, the software sends it to your channel removing all "unnecessary information" and garbage (advertising, links to other channels, the name of the channel in the post, etc.) and already with your Like buttons, links or your text makes a publication on the channels you need.
For example, take any channel that posted a photo "With the top chick," "Bookmaker's bets on today's matches," "Information courses," etc., etc. The script monitors all channels in real time and immediately detects a new post on the specified channels. When the post is detected, the software sends it to your channel removing all "unnecessary information" and garbage (advertising, links to other channels, the name of the channel in the post, etc.) and already with your Like buttons, links or your text makes a publication on the channels you need.