60.8 $
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⭐Our advantages:
🔵 The lowest price on the market!
🔵 Safe purchase of a subscription to your Microsoft account (XBOX)!
🔵 Fast and high-quality order fulfillment, from 5 to 30 minutes from the moment your order is processed!
🔵 Permanent PROMOTIONS AND DISCOUNTS for our customers!
🎮 Pay for the product (we recommend using Freekasa to pay by card without commission).
🎮 Send the seller the correct login (email) and password for your Microsoft (XBOX) account in the correspondence with the seller!
🎮 If you do not have an XBOX (Microsoft) account, you can purchase its registration service from us! In additional services, select the option "Register a Microsoft account (XBOX)!
🎮 Go to the chat with the seller, located at the bottom of your order page at https://oplata.info.
🎮 Tell the seller in the correspondence with the seller a unique 16-digit code confirming payment (example: 43DRGWC5TSDESQ3E).
🎮 Do not close the chat, as you may need to provide additional information.
🎮 Wait for our message about readiness, since all orders are carried out in the order of the queue, on average, about 5-30 minutes, provided there is no queue!
✅ The Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription is only suitable for new accounts where there were no previous subscriptions.
✅ This product is suitable for absolutely any region, including Russia❗
✅ When purchasing Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 12 Months you receive a 1 Month Bonus from Microsoft and in total you will receive Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 13 Months on your account❗
✅ You are purchasing a subscription activation service for a Microsoft account (XBOX)! This product does not contain keys or codes❗
🟡 Xbox Live Gold subscription for Xbox One, 360, Series X|S consoles
🟡 Xbox Game Pass subscription for Xbox One, Series X|S consoles
🟡 Xbox Game Pass PC subscription for (Win 10)
🟡 EA Play subscription for Xbox One, Series X|S and Win 10 consoles
🔷 The full list of games included in the subscription can be found at the link ➡️ https://www.xbox.com/ru-RU/xbox-game-pass/games
🔷 You can create a new account, but the subscription can be used on your Main profile thanks to the "My Home Xbox Console" function ➡️ https://support.xbox.com/ru-RU/help/hardware-network/console/my-home-xbox
🎁 GIFT!!! Leave a positive review and get your gift in the "GIFT CERTIFICATE" section
⚡Our support will quickly help with solving any issues, as well as with activation!
❗If the REFUND is made due to your fault or on your initiative (for example, an incorrect product, an unread product description, an account in the block, lost data, a change in decision, etc.), THE REFUND IS MADE WITH A 20% RETENTION FOR COVERING THE SITE COMMISSION . In case of return due to the fault of the seller, the refund is provided in FULL. No refunds are provided after receiving the item.