3.39 $
Loyalty discount! If the amount of your purchases from the seller Lifeda is more than:
❓ After payment, you will receive a TWITCH account, with which you can
get the items listed below in the game Lost Ark + instruction.
❗ Follow the simple instructions after purchase to receive the item.
❗ This item is only suitable for STEAM users!
❗ This item can only be obtained once.
If you previously received this item, the second time you will not be able to receive them on the same account.
🛒 List of items to receive ( https://kurfun.store/itemsInfo/lostark/3323774 ):
1. 1st Anniversary Headband Chest
2. 2023 Arktoberfest Beer Headwear Chest
3. 2024 Boss Dragon Skin Chest
4. 2024 Summer Fruit Trail Effect Chest
5. 2024 Summertime Cosmo Rocket Chest
6. 2nd Anniversary Mokoko Hat Chest
7. Amethyst Shards (34,000)
8. Argos Skin Chest
9. Armor Ticket
10. Battle Item & Meal Chest
11. Blessed Еgg Pet Chest
12. Card Packs I
13. Card Packs II & Coupon
14. Chaos Stones Pack
15. Colorful Flower Swim Сар Chest
16. Engraving Recipe & Coupon
17. Fruit Dragon Skin Chest
18. Gear Honing Material Pack
19. Halloween Candy Bag
20. Headband Selection Chest
21. Jellyfish Chest
22. Jubilant Legendary Card Расk
23. Leaf Ornamental Chest
24. Modern Swim Goggles Chest
25. Mokoboard Selection Chest
26. Mokoko Doll Structure Chest
27. Mokoko Pet Selection Chest
28. Mokoko Skin Chest 2
29. New Halo Skin Chest
30. Pet: Brave Vivi
31. Pet: Calm Boo
32. Petit Saydon Pet Chest
33. Punika Traditional Outfit SkinChest
34. Pupper Mask Chest
35. Structure: Angel Wing Photo Zone
36. Stylish Bear Skin Set Chest
37. Summer Pet Selection
38. Tiger Pet Chest
39. Transcendence Tickets
40. Turtle Skin Chest
41. Unicorn Chest
42. Weapon Ticket & Coupon
43. Winter Chamkuri Chest
44. Winter Chamkuri Chest
45. x10 High Seas Coin Chest
46. x10 Honor Shard Pouch
47. x10 Protection Stone Pouch
48. x100 Dark Fire
49. x11 Chaos Dungeon Rest Bonus Recovery Brew
50. x13 Legendary Rapport Chest
51. x14 Legendary Engraving Recipe Pouch
52. x2 Aura of Resonance Recovery Elixir(14d)
53. x2 Epic Elixir Supplies Chest
54. x2 Material Chest
55. x2 Mokoko Headband Chest
56. x2 Special Legendary Card Pack
57. x20 Legendary - Rare Card Pack
58. x215 Ancient Platinum Coin(20.000 Silver each)
59. x2299 Battle Item Chest
60. x23 TRR Ticket: Weapon
61. x29 Epic Rapport Chest
62. x3 Destruction Stone Pouch
63. x3 Menelik's Tome(Gives 27.000 Card XP)
64. x3 Pixel Glasses Chest
65. x3 Relic Rapport Chest
66. x30 Honing Support Chest
67. x30 Processed Chaos Stone (Weapon)
68. x38 TRR Ticket: Armor
69. x4 Mokoko Skin Chest
70. x430 Pheons
71. x45 Ancient Soundstone
72. x45 Regulus's Light Currency(100.000 Silver each)
73. x5 Guardian Stone Pouch
74. x5 Legendary Elixir Supplies Chest
75. x5 Obliteration Stone Pouch
76. x5 Wishful Amulet
77. x50 Honing Shard Chests
78. x50 Refined Obliteration Stone Pouch
79. x58 Honing Leapstone Chest
80. x6 Legendary - Epic Card Pack
81. x6 Steak Meal Chest
82. x78 Refined Protection Stone Pouch
83. x90 Processed Chaos Stone (Armor)
☝ Request to receive items on your Lost Ark account immediately after purchase.
Pickup time may be limited.
👉 My rep and feedbacks here: https://shortboosting.com/store/320066
❗️ We are kindly requested not to leave negative feedback before contacting the seller ( https://prnt.sc/oz09rx ), in most cases your problem will be solved as soon as the seller reads your message. Thank you for understanding.
Instruction to get a Gift Card: ( https://ibb.co/gTVgq5h )
🔥 You can find all my products at the link: https://shortboosting.com/store/320066