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1. With the complete hydrolysis of proteins, ...
1. Polypeitides; 2. Proteins;
3. Amino acids. 4.Nucleic acids;
2. The state of the protein, in which the number of basic functional groups is equal to the number of acid ones, is called:
1. Amphoteric. 2. Isoelectronic. 3. Isoelectric. 4.Isostatic.
3. Enzymes are:
1.Catalysts of carbohydrate nature; 2. Catalysts of lipid nature.
3.Catalysts of inorganic nature; 4. Protein catalysts;
4. What class do enzymes catalyze redox processes belong to?
1. Hydrolases; 2. Transferases; 3 Oxidoreductases; 4.Isomerases.
5. What is the name of the section of the enzyme molecule that is simultaneously responsible for the addition of a substance undergoing enzymatic action and for the implementation of enzymatic catalysis:
1. Hydrophobic center 2. Catalytic center
3. Adsorption site 4. Active site
6. The bases that make up DNA that form a complementary pair are ...
1. Guanine and cytosine 2. Uracil and cytosine
3. Guanine and thymine 4. Adenine and uracil
7. The synthesis of complex compounds from simpler ones, carried out in organisms, is called:
1. Combination or cyclization. 2. Connection or aggregation.
3. Anabolism or assimilation. 4. Catabolism or dissimilation.
8. The energy released in the body during the breakdown of glucose is mainly spent on the implementation of the process:
1. Synthesis of ATP. 2. Breakdown of proteins. 3. Hydrolysis of fat. 4. Synthesis of cholesterol.
9. The way in which a polypeptide chain is folded into a compact, densely packed structure is called ____________ structure:
1. Quaternary. 2.Secondary. 3.Primary. 4. Tertiary.
10. Nucleotides contain:
1. Nitrogenous base, glucose, phosphoric acid.
2. Aromatic amine, pentose, phosphoric acid.
3.Nitrogenous base, pentose, phosphoric acid.
4. Nitrogenous base, pentose, lactic acid.
11. Nucleic acids and proteins, unlike lipids, fats and polysaccharides, are ...
1. Building material 2. Informational macromolecules
3.Power supply 4.Power supply
12. Polysaccharides consisting of monosaccharide units of the same type are called homopolysaccharides. An example of a homopolysaccharide is:
1. Glucosamine. 2. Glucagon. 3. Starch 4. Glycoprotein. .
13. Saliva enzyme responsible for the initial stage of starch hydrolysis belongs to the group: 1. Lipase. 2. Amylase. 3. Phosphatase. 4. Hexokinase.
14. Anaerobic breakdown of glucose in a living organism under the action of enzymes is called: 1. Hydrolysis. 2. Fermentation. 3. Photolysis. 4. Glycolysis
15. The relationship between monosaccharide residues in a polysaccharide molecule is called:
1. Glycosidic. 2.Coordination. 3.Hydrogen. 4.Peptide.
16. Carbohydrates, arranged in order of decreasing molecular weight:
1. Sucrose, cellulose, lactose 2. Starch, glucose, lactose,
3. Cellulose, glucose, galactose 4. Starch, maltose, ribose?
17. Essential fatty acids include:
1. Oily and palmitic. 2.Oil and oleic.
3. Linoleic and linolenic. 4. Linoleic and stearic.
18. The main enzyme contained in the pancreatic juice and hydrolyzing the ester bond in triglycerides is:
1. Amylase. 2. Urease. 3. Lipase. 4. Catalase.
19. Intensive synthesis of fatty acids necessary for the formation of adipose tissue in the body occurs in:
1. Stomach. 2. Liver. 3.Kidneys. 4. Muscles.
20. Polyhydric alcohol, which is part of natural fats, is called:
1. Sorbitol 2. Glycerin. 3. Propanediol-1,2. 4. Ethylene glycol.
21. Acid, the remainder of which is part of vegetable fats ....
1.Oleic 2.Palmitic 3.Oil 4.Margarine
1. Polypeitides; 2. Proteins;
3. Amino acids. 4.Nucleic acids;
2. The state of the protein, in which the number of basic functional groups is equal to the number of acid ones, is called:
1. Amphoteric. 2. Isoelectronic. 3. Isoelectric. 4.Isostatic.
3. Enzymes are:
1.Catalysts of carbohydrate nature; 2. Catalysts of lipid nature.
3.Catalysts of inorganic nature; 4. Protein catalysts;
4. What class do enzymes catalyze redox processes belong to?
1. Hydrolases; 2. Transferases; 3 Oxidoreductases; 4.Isomerases.
5. What is the name of the section of the enzyme molecule that is simultaneously responsible for the addition of a substance undergoing enzymatic action and for the implementation of enzymatic catalysis:
1. Hydrophobic center 2. Catalytic center
3. Adsorption site 4. Active site
6. The bases that make up DNA that form a complementary pair are ...
1. Guanine and cytosine 2. Uracil and cytosine
3. Guanine and thymine 4. Adenine and uracil
7. The synthesis of complex compounds from simpler ones, carried out in organisms, is called:
1. Combination or cyclization. 2. Connection or aggregation.
3. Anabolism or assimilation. 4. Catabolism or dissimilation.
8. The energy released in the body during the breakdown of glucose is mainly spent on the implementation of the process:
1. Synthesis of ATP. 2. Breakdown of proteins. 3. Hydrolysis of fat. 4. Synthesis of cholesterol.
9. The way in which a polypeptide chain is folded into a compact, densely packed structure is called ____________ structure:
1. Quaternary. 2.Secondary. 3.Primary. 4. Tertiary.
10. Nucleotides contain:
1. Nitrogenous base, glucose, phosphoric acid.
2. Aromatic amine, pentose, phosphoric acid.
3.Nitrogenous base, pentose, phosphoric acid.
4. Nitrogenous base, pentose, lactic acid.
11. Nucleic acids and proteins, unlike lipids, fats and polysaccharides, are ...
1. Building material 2. Informational macromolecules
3.Power supply 4.Power supply
12. Polysaccharides consisting of monosaccharide units of the same type are called homopolysaccharides. An example of a homopolysaccharide is:
1. Glucosamine. 2. Glucagon. 3. Starch 4. Glycoprotein. .
13. Saliva enzyme responsible for the initial stage of starch hydrolysis belongs to the group: 1. Lipase. 2. Amylase. 3. Phosphatase. 4. Hexokinase.
14. Anaerobic breakdown of glucose in a living organism under the action of enzymes is called: 1. Hydrolysis. 2. Fermentation. 3. Photolysis. 4. Glycolysis
15. The relationship between monosaccharide residues in a polysaccharide molecule is called:
1. Glycosidic. 2.Coordination. 3.Hydrogen. 4.Peptide.
16. Carbohydrates, arranged in order of decreasing molecular weight:
1. Sucrose, cellulose, lactose 2. Starch, glucose, lactose,
3. Cellulose, glucose, galactose 4. Starch, maltose, ribose?
17. Essential fatty acids include:
1. Oily and palmitic. 2.Oil and oleic.
3. Linoleic and linolenic. 4. Linoleic and stearic.
18. The main enzyme contained in the pancreatic juice and hydrolyzing the ester bond in triglycerides is:
1. Amylase. 2. Urease. 3. Lipase. 4. Catalase.
19. Intensive synthesis of fatty acids necessary for the formation of adipose tissue in the body occurs in:
1. Stomach. 2. Liver. 3.Kidneys. 4. Muscles.
20. Polyhydric alcohol, which is part of natural fats, is called:
1. Sorbitol 2. Glycerin. 3. Propanediol-1,2. 4. Ethylene glycol.
21. Acid, the remainder of which is part of vegetable fats ....
1.Oleic 2.Palmitic 3.Oil 4.Margarine
22. The first stage of the breakdown of fats in the body is the process:
1. Hydrogenation 2. Hydration 3. Hydrolysis 4. Oxidation
23. The most common hexose monosaccharide
1. Glucose 2. Fructose 3. Ribose 4. Sucrose
24. Does not apply to disaccharides
1. Galactose 2. Maltose 3. Lactose 4. Sucrose
25. With the complete hydrolysis of polysaccharides, most often formed
1. Fructose 2. Glucose 3. Ribose 4. Galactose
26. The main function of glucose in animal and human cells
1. Supply of nutrients 2. Transfer of hereditary information
3.Building material 4.Power source
27. Starch is a macromolecule, the structural unit of which is residues
1. α-cyclic form of glucose 2.β-cyclic form of glucose
3. Linear form of glucose 4. Linear form of fructose
28. Solid fibrous substance, insoluble in water
1. Maltose 2. Sucrose 3. Starch 4. Cellulose
29. Glycolysis is…
1. Anaerobic breakdown of glucose with the formation of lactic acid;
2. Anaerobic breakdown of glucose with the formation of ethyl alcohol;
3. Aerobic breakdown of glucose with the formation of acetyl-CoA;
4. Aerobic breakdown of glucose with the formation of acetic acid.
30. Neutral fats are…
1. Esters of higher fatty acids and glycerol;
2. Esters of higher fatty acids and higher fatty alcohols;
3. Esters of higher fatty acids and polycyclic alcohols;
4. Esters of higher fatty acids and glycerol containing a phosphoric acid residue.
31. In the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle) occurs ...
1. Complete oxidation of pyruvic acid to carbon dioxide and water;
2. Recovery of pyruvic acid to lactic acid;
3. Complete hydrolysis of triglycerides;
4. Turning oxaloacetic acid into citric acid.
32. The sequence of amino acid residues in polypeptide chains determines the _________ protein structure:
1. Tertiary. 2. Secondary. 3. Primary. 4. Quaternary.
33. According to Chargaff's rule, what is the amount of adenine in DNA?
1) always exceeds the amount of guanine
2) always exceeds the amount of thymine
3) equal to the amount of cytosine
4) equal to the amount of thymine
5) always less than the amount of guanine
34. Products of complete hydrolysis of nucleic acids do not contain:
1) nitrogenous bases
2) pentoses
3) hexoses
4) phosphoric acids
35. The process of ATP synthesis, which proceeds in conjunction with oxidation reactions with the participation of a chain of mitochondrial respiratory enzymes, is called:
1) substrate phosphorylation;
2) photosynthetic phosphorylation;
3) oxidative phosphorylation;
4) phosphotransferase reaction.
36. The energy effect of aerobic oxidation of one glucose molecule, expressed as the number of synthesized ATP molecules, is equal to:
1) 2 ATP; 2) 5 ATP; 3) 22 ATP; 4) 38 ATP
1. The sequence of amino acid residues in polypeptide chains determines the _________ protein structure:
1. Tertiary. 2. Secondary. 3. Primary. 4. Quaternary.
2. The state of the protein, in which the number of basic functional groups is equal to the number of acid ones, is called:
1. Amphoteric. 2.Isoelectric. 3.Isoelectronic. 4.Isostatic.
3. Enzymes are:
1.Catalysts of carbohydrate nature; 2.Catalysts of protein nature;
3.Catalysts of inorganic nature; 4.Catalysts of lipid nature.
4. What class do enzymes catalyze redox processes belong to?
1. Hydrolases; 2. Transferases; 3 Oxidoreductases; 4.Isomerases.
5. What is the name of the section of the enzyme molecule that is simultaneously responsible for the addition of a substance undergoing enzymatic action and for the implementation of enzymatic catalysis:
1. Hydrophobic center 2. Catalytic center
3.Active center 4.Adsorption center
6. The bases that make up DNA that form a complementary pair are ...
1. Guanine and cytosine 2. Uracil and cytosine
3. Guanine and thymine 4. Adenine and uracil
7. The synthesis of complex compounds from simpler ones, carried out in organisms, is called:
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1. Hydrogenation 2. Hydration 3. Hydrolysis 4. Oxidation
23. The most common hexose monosaccharide
1. Glucose 2. Fructose 3. Ribose 4. Sucrose
24. Does not apply to disaccharides
1. Galactose 2. Maltose 3. Lactose 4. Sucrose
25. With the complete hydrolysis of polysaccharides, most often formed
1. Fructose 2. Glucose 3. Ribose 4. Galactose
26. The main function of glucose in animal and human cells
1. Supply of nutrients 2. Transfer of hereditary information
3.Building material 4.Power source
27. Starch is a macromolecule, the structural unit of which is residues
1. α-cyclic form of glucose 2.β-cyclic form of glucose
3. Linear form of glucose 4. Linear form of fructose
28. Solid fibrous substance, insoluble in water
1. Maltose 2. Sucrose 3. Starch 4. Cellulose
29. Glycolysis is…
1. Anaerobic breakdown of glucose with the formation of lactic acid;
2. Anaerobic breakdown of glucose with the formation of ethyl alcohol;
3. Aerobic breakdown of glucose with the formation of acetyl-CoA;
4. Aerobic breakdown of glucose with the formation of acetic acid.
30. Neutral fats are…
1. Esters of higher fatty acids and glycerol;
2. Esters of higher fatty acids and higher fatty alcohols;
3. Esters of higher fatty acids and polycyclic alcohols;
4. Esters of higher fatty acids and glycerol containing a phosphoric acid residue.
31. In the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle) occurs ...
1. Complete oxidation of pyruvic acid to carbon dioxide and water;
2. Recovery of pyruvic acid to lactic acid;
3. Complete hydrolysis of triglycerides;
4. Turning oxaloacetic acid into citric acid.
32. The sequence of amino acid residues in polypeptide chains determines the _________ protein structure:
1. Tertiary. 2. Secondary. 3. Primary. 4. Quaternary.
33. According to Chargaff's rule, what is the amount of adenine in DNA?
1) always exceeds the amount of guanine
2) always exceeds the amount of thymine
3) equal to the amount of cytosine
4) equal to the amount of thymine
5) always less than the amount of guanine
34. Products of complete hydrolysis of nucleic acids do not contain:
1) nitrogenous bases
2) pentoses
3) hexoses
4) phosphoric acids
35. The process of ATP synthesis, which proceeds in conjunction with oxidation reactions with the participation of a chain of mitochondrial respiratory enzymes, is called:
1) substrate phosphorylation;
2) photosynthetic phosphorylation;
3) oxidative phosphorylation;
4) phosphotransferase reaction.
36. The energy effect of aerobic oxidation of one glucose molecule, expressed as the number of synthesized ATP molecules, is equal to:
1) 2 ATP; 2) 5 ATP; 3) 22 ATP; 4) 38 ATP
1. The sequence of amino acid residues in polypeptide chains determines the _________ protein structure:
1. Tertiary. 2. Secondary. 3. Primary. 4. Quaternary.
2. The state of the protein, in which the number of basic functional groups is equal to the number of acid ones, is called:
1. Amphoteric. 2.Isoelectric. 3.Isoelectronic. 4.Isostatic.
3. Enzymes are:
1.Catalysts of carbohydrate nature; 2.Catalysts of protein nature;
3.Catalysts of inorganic nature; 4.Catalysts of lipid nature.
4. What class do enzymes catalyze redox processes belong to?
1. Hydrolases; 2. Transferases; 3 Oxidoreductases; 4.Isomerases.
5. What is the name of the section of the enzyme molecule that is simultaneously responsible for the addition of a substance undergoing enzymatic action and for the implementation of enzymatic catalysis:
1. Hydrophobic center 2. Catalytic center
3.Active center 4.Adsorption center
6. The bases that make up DNA that form a complementary pair are ...
1. Guanine and cytosine 2. Uracil and cytosine
3. Guanine and thymine 4. Adenine and uracil
7. The synthesis of complex compounds from simpler ones, carried out in organisms, is called:
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