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Task 1 Determine the wholesale price of the enterprise, if the total cost of a unit of production of the joint venture \u003d 25 rubles, the annual sales volume QG \u003d 5000 units; PF production assets = 300 thousand rubles; enterprise profitability R = 0.15.
Task 2 Determine the wholesale price of the industry, if the total cost of 29 joint ventures = 25 rubles, the share of material in the total cost of a unit of production αMZ = 0.8; profit and expenses of sales organizations for the annual sales volume: (PR + TK) = 15 thousand rubles, the wholesale price of the TsOPT enterprise. PREV = 34 rubles, annual volume QG = 5 tons; VAT = 0.2.
Task 3 Follow the formation of prices for industrial products (in rubles), if the total cost of a unit of industrial products SP = 25 rubles, profit per unit of production, PREV = 9 rubles, value added tax VAT = 5.32 rubles. , profit and expenses of marketing organizations per unit of output - 3 rubles, trade organizations - 5 rubles.
Task 4 Determine the upper limit of the price if the wholesale price of the base model of the Central Bank = 160 rubles; productivity of the new and basic model QН = 1800 units; QB = 1200 units; depreciation rate for the basic and new NAB models = 0.1; NAS = 0.125; profitability of production of a commodity producer R = 0.25; operating costs for the base and new ZEB models = 80 rubles; ZEN = 60 rubles; there are no concomitant capital investments from the consumer (ΔK).
Task 5 The enterprise produces products of one name, the price of the product is 18,000 rubles, the average variable costs are 9,000 rubles; general fixed costs - 15,000 thousand rubles. Determine the critical volume of output and sales of products in monetary and physical terms.
Task 6 In the reporting period, compared with the base period, the cost of raw materials decreased by 10% (in the cost structure of the base period, they amounted to 60%), the volume of production was changed. Other components of specific variable costs and total fixed costs remained unchanged, but specific total costs decreased by 8400 rubles. Determine by what percentage the output was changed if in the base period the specific total costs amounted to 84,600 rubles, and 31 specific fixed costs - 24,200 rubles.
Task 7 The company produces products at a price of 380 rubles. for a unit. The total fixed costs in the first quarter amounted to 720,000 thousand rubles, specific variable costs - 300 rubles. In the II quarter, the total fixed costs decreased by 10%. Calculate how the change in fixed costs affected the value of the critical volume of production.
Task 8 The company produces a product at a price of 210 rubles. The total fixed costs for it are 200,000 rubles. Specific variable costs in the I quarter amounted to 160 rubles. In Q2, material prices fell by 10%, resulting in a 10% decrease in specific variable costs. Determine how the critical volume of production was affected by changes in material prices.
Task 9 The price of a product in the I quarter was 160 rubles, in the II it increased by 10%. Fixed costs - 1500 thousand rubles, specific variable costs 100 rubles. How did the increase in price affect the change in the critical volume of production?
Task 10 In the first quarter, 10 thousand items were produced at a price of 70 rubles. for a unit. Fixed costs amount to 160,000 thousand rubles, specific variable costs - 50 rubles. In the II quarter it is planned to increase profit by 8%. How much additional production is needed to increase profit by 8%.
Task 2 Determine the wholesale price of the industry, if the total cost of 29 joint ventures = 25 rubles, the share of material in the total cost of a unit of production αMZ = 0.8; profit and expenses of sales organizations for the annual sales volume: (PR + TK) = 15 thousand rubles, the wholesale price of the TsOPT enterprise. PREV = 34 rubles, annual volume QG = 5 tons; VAT = 0.2.
Task 3 Follow the formation of prices for industrial products (in rubles), if the total cost of a unit of industrial products SP = 25 rubles, profit per unit of production, PREV = 9 rubles, value added tax VAT = 5.32 rubles. , profit and expenses of marketing organizations per unit of output - 3 rubles, trade organizations - 5 rubles.
Task 4 Determine the upper limit of the price if the wholesale price of the base model of the Central Bank = 160 rubles; productivity of the new and basic model QН = 1800 units; QB = 1200 units; depreciation rate for the basic and new NAB models = 0.1; NAS = 0.125; profitability of production of a commodity producer R = 0.25; operating costs for the base and new ZEB models = 80 rubles; ZEN = 60 rubles; there are no concomitant capital investments from the consumer (ΔK).
Task 5 The enterprise produces products of one name, the price of the product is 18,000 rubles, the average variable costs are 9,000 rubles; general fixed costs - 15,000 thousand rubles. Determine the critical volume of output and sales of products in monetary and physical terms.
Task 6 In the reporting period, compared with the base period, the cost of raw materials decreased by 10% (in the cost structure of the base period, they amounted to 60%), the volume of production was changed. Other components of specific variable costs and total fixed costs remained unchanged, but specific total costs decreased by 8400 rubles. Determine by what percentage the output was changed if in the base period the specific total costs amounted to 84,600 rubles, and 31 specific fixed costs - 24,200 rubles.
Task 7 The company produces products at a price of 380 rubles. for a unit. The total fixed costs in the first quarter amounted to 720,000 thousand rubles, specific variable costs - 300 rubles. In the II quarter, the total fixed costs decreased by 10%. Calculate how the change in fixed costs affected the value of the critical volume of production.
Task 8 The company produces a product at a price of 210 rubles. The total fixed costs for it are 200,000 rubles. Specific variable costs in the I quarter amounted to 160 rubles. In Q2, material prices fell by 10%, resulting in a 10% decrease in specific variable costs. Determine how the critical volume of production was affected by changes in material prices.
Task 9 The price of a product in the I quarter was 160 rubles, in the II it increased by 10%. Fixed costs - 1500 thousand rubles, specific variable costs 100 rubles. How did the increase in price affect the change in the critical volume of production?
Task 10 In the first quarter, 10 thousand items were produced at a price of 70 rubles. for a unit. Fixed costs amount to 160,000 thousand rubles, specific variable costs - 50 rubles. In the II quarter it is planned to increase profit by 8%. How much additional production is needed to increase profit by 8%.
Practice #1