13.59 $
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Supported version of the game / Supported version of the game: Official client / Official client
Supported game mode / Supported game mode: Windowed / Windowed
Supported anti-cheats / Supported anti-cheats: In-game anti-cheat / In-game anti-cheat
Technical features / Technical features: Listed HERE / Listed HERE
Coder / Developer: Fidanzza
Name / Name display
Class / Class display
TextSize / Text size
Box / Display 2D box
Bone / Displaying model bones
Health/HP Display
Line / Displaying lines to the player
Crosshair / Display crosshair
Name / Name display
Box / Display 2D box
Key / Key to disable/enable
Health / Health display
Weapon/Weapon display
Armor / Armor display
Key / Key to disable/enable
Utility / Display of various utilities
Accessory / Display of accessories
Misc / Display of other things
Draw Radar / Enable the radar function
Radar Distance / Radar display distance
Radar Scale
Players / Display of players
Monsters / Displaying monsters
Loot / Loot display
CTRL / Hold to move radar
ALT / Hold to resize radar
Aim / Enable aimbot
Bone / Selecting a body part for the aimbot
Key / Aimbot activation key
Fov / Change the radius of the aimbot
Speed / Change aimbot aiming speed
LBM / Activating the AimBot function on LMB
Menu on the key "F6" or "Home" / The menu is called up by pressing the "F6" or "Home" key
Supported game mode / Supported game mode: Windowed / Windowed
Supported anti-cheats / Supported anti-cheats: In-game anti-cheat / In-game anti-cheat
Technical features / Technical features: Listed HERE / Listed HERE
Coder / Developer: Fidanzza
Name / Name display
Class / Class display
TextSize / Text size
Box / Display 2D box
Bone / Displaying model bones
Health/HP Display
Line / Displaying lines to the player
Crosshair / Display crosshair
Name / Name display
Box / Display 2D box
Key / Key to disable/enable
Health / Health display
Weapon/Weapon display
Armor / Armor display
Key / Key to disable/enable
Utility / Display of various utilities
Accessory / Display of accessories
Misc / Display of other things
Draw Radar / Enable the radar function
Radar Distance / Radar display distance
Radar Scale
Players / Display of players
Monsters / Displaying monsters
Loot / Loot display
CTRL / Hold to move radar
ALT / Hold to resize radar
Aim / Enable aimbot
Bone / Selecting a body part for the aimbot
Key / Aimbot activation key
Fov / Change the radius of the aimbot
Speed / Change aimbot aiming speed
LBM / Activating the AimBot function on LMB
Menu on the key "F6" or "Home" / The menu is called up by pressing the "F6" or "Home" key