16.76 $
Loyalty discount! If the amount of your purchases from the seller XPgame is more than:
No one will sign in when u play ! It is high Quality account !
2-Enable/Active ( Online/Offline ) :
+ Ability to play in your account
+ No need to connect to the Internet but u
+ You can play Online
+ Can be resold
- Lack of direct access to the service panel and game download
- higher price
- To transfer to another console, access to the console and the Internet is required
3-Disable/Deactive ( Online ) :
+ Only the possibility of playing and using the service in the delivered account (Some games in your own account in ps4 like DOS MW II )
+ Lower price
+ You can play Online
+ Direct access to services and game downloads
+ Running the online part of games without bugs (like Battlefield 5)
+ Can be resold
- Need to connect to the Internet
- Inability to play and use the service in a personal account (exceptions will be notified to you)
-- Save and trophy in delivery account