18.47 $
Loyalty discount! If the amount of your purchases from the seller luno1d1we is more than:
😶 No Discount
✅ In 95% of cases, there will be other paid games on your account.
✅ Lowest price on the market.
✅ There are no blockages.
✅ Full access.
✅ You can play online with friends.
✅ The product is not a digital activation key for Battle.net. You get access to your Battle.net account with the game you purchased on it.
✅ Parental controls may be available. A change of name is not guaranteed. Free BattleTag change is not guaranteed. This will not affect your access to your account in any way.
✅ Very often you come across good Battle.net accounts with expensive games, balance, high level, possible progress in Overwatch, etc.