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💗 A professional EPUB editing tool that allows you to create, edit, and customize eBooks effortlessly.
Software Features
📝 Edit and customize EPUB files with ease.
📝 Modify text, images, layout, and metadata.
📝 WYSIWYG editor for real-time previews.
📝 Supports importing and exporting EPUB files seamlessly.
📝 User-friendly interface designed for beginners and professionals.
📝 Lightweight and efficient performance.
Software Specification
🖥️ System Requirements: Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP
🌐 Internet connection: Required for downloading and registering the program.
📋 After payment, you instantly receive " email and registration code " in the form of (email:code)
Account Spesification
📌 Original: Official from the store.
📌 Valid for 1 year (Coolmuster SignPub)
📌 Expired Until : 17 December 2025
How to use
🔐 Follow the instructions during the program installation, then go to the "Register" in menu.
Troubleshooting guidelines
❌ Do not write negative reviews.
✅ Go to "chat" tab and explain the problem.
✅ We will response within 24 hours.
✅ For effective communication, we may request you to record a video confirming your activation attempt.
Payment Method Recommendation
▶️ SBP = Faster payments system
🅿️ PayPal = Secure payments system
💳 Enot.io = Lowest bank fees
🪙 USDT = No international tax
Visit our store to discover more products
🛍️ https://shortboosting.com/store/1255875