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Crib on history. 59 topics. Topics are divided into columns, choose the optimal font size.


1. Tribes of Eastern Slavs in 7-9 centuries.

2. The formation and development of the Old Russian state.

3. The Board of Vladimir 1.

4. The reign of Yaroslav the Wise.

5. Russia in the feudal period.

6. Basis of Moscow.

7. fight Russia with the Tatar-Mongol invasion. The formation of the Golden Horde.

8. tributary allegiance and dependence of Russia.

9. Resistance to the Russian people the invasion of Batu.

10. The effect of the Mongol-Tatar invasion in ancient history.

11. The reign of Dmitry Donskoy.

12. The Battle of Kulikovo 8 September 1380g. and its historical significance

13. The feudal war.

14. Stages of Russian centralized state.

15. Formation of a unified state of Russia.

16. The Board of Ivan 4. Reforms fav. welcome. Last, I oprichnina and its impact on the life of the country

17. Foreign policy of Ivan 4. Culture 16c.

18. Stages of enslavement of the peasantry. Fedor. Boris Godunov.

19. Russia during the Time of Troubles. Reasons. Lzhedmitry 1.2.

20. Nat-but osvob. the struggle of the Russian people during the Time of Troubles. 1 and 2 militia.

21. Zemsky Sobor 1613g. Accession of the Romanov dynasty.

22. The Board of Alexei Mikhailovich. Conciliar The Code of 1649g.

23. Reasons for church reform.

24. The split in the Russian Orthodox Church.

25. The intensification of the struggle for power after the death of Alexei Mikhailovich. Peter 1.

26. Reforms Petra1, their results and consequences.

27. The foreign policy of Peter 1.

28. Russia in the period of palace coups.

29. Culture of Russia in the second half HShv., Its contribution to world culture.

30. Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th century. Domestic policy of Catherine II, Paul 1.

31. Foreign policy in the 2nd quarter and 2nd half of the 18th century.

32. Economic and social development of Russia in the early 19th century. Aleksandr1. MMSperanskii.

33. The foreign policy of Russia in the 1st quarter of the 19th century. Patriotic. War of 1812. And its value.

34. Decembrists and their policy documents.

35. 1. Nikolay its domestic and foreign policies. Caucasian war. Crimean War.

36. Commonly thought of Russia-policy 20-50, the Worker-Th circles. Theory official. Peoples.

37. The Board Alexander 2. The abolition of serfdom. Reforms 60-70g. 19c.

38. INT. policy. 80g autocracy. Home 90g. 19c. 3 Alexander and his government. Culture 2 floor. 19c. The spread of Marxism in Russia.

39. The political and socio-economic development of Russia in the early 20th century. Monopoly. Culture "Silver Age.

40. Revolution 1905-1907g. In Russia.

41. Formation of a multiparty system in Russia at the turn 19-20v.

42. Origin and development of the Russian parliamentarism in the early 20c. 1 and 2, the State Duma. Political party began 20c.

43. Russia in 1907-1914g. PA reforms Stolypin. 2 and 4 state. Duma. Russia on the eve of one of the world.

44. Reasons 1 and the beginning of the world. Russia in World War II. The February revolution.

45. Russia after the February Revolution of 1917. Dual power. Domestic and foreign policy B. channeling. Social and political processes in Russia from February to October 1917

46. \u200b\u200bThe October Revolution of 1917. 2 Congress of Soviets. Declaration of Rights. The events of October 1917 .: overthrow of the Provisional Government, II Congress of Soviets.

47. The establishment of Soviet power in Russia.

48. The establishment of Soviet power in Russia in 1817-1918 gg .: The first measures of the Soviet government in the political, social and economic fields. Brest-Litovsk.

49. Civil war 1918- 1920. The Russian military intervention. Emigration. The reasons for the Bolshevik victory in the war. The civil war in Russia: causes, stages, participants and military leaders, and the results
51. Education of the USSR. The Constitution of the USSR.

52. The struggle in the party and state leadership of the USSR in 20g. for choosing the country's development. The political system of Stalinism. Constitution of 1936

53. The foreign policy of the USSR in the 20 - '30

54. The collectivization of agriculture.

55. Speeding up the industrialization of the USSR in 20- 30g. 20c. 1,2,3-five-year development plan of the host.

56. The political development of the USSR in 30g. 1936 Constitution of the USSR. Mass repressions and their consequences.

57. The foreign policy of the USSR on the eve and in the first period of World War 2. Soviet-German treaty of 1939.

58. The beginning of the Second World War. The reasons for the defeat of the Red Army. The main events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1942.

59. The turning point in the Second World War. The heroism of the people.