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Luscher test is based on the experimentally established dependence
between the preferences of the person certain colors (shades) and its
current psychological state.
Available in the arsenal of psychological projective tests only test
Swiss psychologist M.Lyushera in a short time can give
so deep and vast, free from conscious control
the test characteristics of its internal dispositions. Application of the test
It is not limited to any intellectual, any language, any age
frames, audio state in which the subject. Test finely
It works even with a color-blind, and those who, as they think, choose
purpose is not something that they like.
Worldwide Luscher test is successfully used for:
* Self-diagnosis and correction of his psychological condition;
* Analysis of the causes of family conflicts and impede their device
personal life;
* Volitional control of dynamics and emotional sphere athletes
during training and during competitions;
* The selection of candidates in therapeutic groups for more
adequate selection of psychotherapeutic influences;
* Forensic psychological examinations;
* Analysis of the internal state and difficult teenagers
[Not] adult criminals for the purpose of the depth direction
correcting their behavior.
================================================== =======
In general, you want yourself to find out? Are you sure of this? If you want to control yourself, learn
who you are, your purpose, what you want? Then you do not say you were not warned :)
================================================== =======
between the preferences of the person certain colors (shades) and its
current psychological state.
Available in the arsenal of psychological projective tests only test
Swiss psychologist M.Lyushera in a short time can give
so deep and vast, free from conscious control
the test characteristics of its internal dispositions. Application of the test
It is not limited to any intellectual, any language, any age
frames, audio state in which the subject. Test finely
It works even with a color-blind, and those who, as they think, choose
purpose is not something that they like.
Worldwide Luscher test is successfully used for:
* Self-diagnosis and correction of his psychological condition;
* Analysis of the causes of family conflicts and impede their device
personal life;
* Volitional control of dynamics and emotional sphere athletes
during training and during competitions;
* The selection of candidates in therapeutic groups for more
adequate selection of psychotherapeutic influences;
* Forensic psychological examinations;
* Analysis of the internal state and difficult teenagers
[Not] adult criminals for the purpose of the depth direction
correcting their behavior.
================================================== =======
In general, you want yourself to find out? Are you sure of this? If you want to control yourself, learn
who you are, your purpose, what you want? Then you do not say you were not warned :)
================================================== =======
Sample test of one man, I should say not me :)
Results sepogo Selecting a color
[Key: 11 | + 0 + 1-4]
The trend toward stabilization - dependence on the senses - the concentration.
Strive to live in peaceful and orderly conditions, and due to strong
Relations feel confident and are in a situation that satisfies
Results Selecting a 8 colors
{2 3 1 5 6 7 0 4}
By ustpemleniyu:
[Key: 6 | + 2 + 3]
Normal Factor: 0
He wants to achieve success and recognition. It seeks to overcome all obstacles and
resistance. Seeks to decide independently, to act
sequentially, to take the initiative. He does not want to depend on
benevolence of others.
As of:
[Key: 7 | 15]
Normal Factor: 0
Sensitive. Located at ease in an aesthetic environment or
dealing with such as sensitive and understanding partner. Readiness
establishment of such relations.
By indifepentnosti:
[Key: 8 | 67]
Normal Factor: 0
Circumstances force him to compromise and temporarily give up
some pleasures. Able to receive physical satisfaction
implementation of physical, including sexual, needs.
By consciously zatopmozhennoy potpebnosti:
[Key: 9 | -0-4]
Normal Factor: 2
Physiological interpretation:
Excessive annoyance of disappointment and unfulfilled expectations.
The psychological interpretation:
Unfulfilled expectations led to uncertainty and tense
alertness. He wants to inspire confidence to others to feel
security and confidence to protect themselves from further
frustration, loss of prestige and neglect. I doubt that in the future
things will get better, but, nevertheless, tend to produce excessive
demands and refuse to compromise.
In short: a disturbing uncertainty.
[Key: 10 | + 2-4]
Normal Factor: 1
Frustration and fear that define any new targets
pointless worrying. Craves recognition, he wants to hold a high
position, but its future is in his anxiety. However, the
Yet, he is responding to his criticism of the protest and resist any
trying to influence it. In an effort to strengthen his position, trying to
establish itself, meticulously vlastvuya in the details.
Stpemleniya motivipovannye self-understanding
[Key: 12 | 2310]
He is afraid that the situation may become unreliable or uncertain. Afraid
void of loneliness. Therefore hypersensitive stress
ensures that relate thereto, with due care and securely
guarantee his safety.
Emotional nastpoennost of determination of a person
[Key: 13 | R3210]
Extremely annoyed condition that it does not satisfy. Needs
special attention. In order to relieve stress and find peace,
He wants to quickly meet their needs.
Evaluation of his "I", will tvepdost
[Key: 13 | G0321]
Strains willpower to overcome with the desire to implement
inappropriate demands or with the desire to give in to a stranger
influence. Certainly, not paying attention to the difficulties or temptations wants
Irritability, impulsivity
[Key: 13 | B2310]
The cordial relations claim to unrestricted reciprocity, but,
Meanwhile, fears that have to be disappointed or lose love.
In order to somehow stabilize their emotional tone, trying to keep
themselves independently, however, because of the high sensitivity test
suffering, if not met by partner etc.
Results sepogo Selecting a color
[Key: 11 | + 0 + 1-4]
The trend toward stabilization - dependence on the senses - the concentration.
Strive to live in peaceful and orderly conditions, and due to strong
Relations feel confident and are in a situation that satisfies
Results Selecting a 8 colors
{2 3 1 5 6 7 0 4}
By ustpemleniyu:
[Key: 6 | + 2 + 3]
Normal Factor: 0
He wants to achieve success and recognition. It seeks to overcome all obstacles and
resistance. Seeks to decide independently, to act
sequentially, to take the initiative. He does not want to depend on
benevolence of others.
As of:
[Key: 7 | 15]
Normal Factor: 0
Sensitive. Located at ease in an aesthetic environment or
dealing with such as sensitive and understanding partner. Readiness
establishment of such relations.
By indifepentnosti:
[Key: 8 | 67]
Normal Factor: 0
Circumstances force him to compromise and temporarily give up
some pleasures. Able to receive physical satisfaction
implementation of physical, including sexual, needs.
By consciously zatopmozhennoy potpebnosti:
[Key: 9 | -0-4]
Normal Factor: 2
Physiological interpretation:
Excessive annoyance of disappointment and unfulfilled expectations.
The psychological interpretation:
Unfulfilled expectations led to uncertainty and tense
alertness. He wants to inspire confidence to others to feel
security and confidence to protect themselves from further
frustration, loss of prestige and neglect. I doubt that in the future
things will get better, but, nevertheless, tend to produce excessive
demands and refuse to compromise.
In short: a disturbing uncertainty.
[Key: 10 | + 2-4]
Normal Factor: 1
Frustration and fear that define any new targets
pointless worrying. Craves recognition, he wants to hold a high
position, but its future is in his anxiety. However, the
Yet, he is responding to his criticism of the protest and resist any
trying to influence it. In an effort to strengthen his position, trying to
establish itself, meticulously vlastvuya in the details.
Stpemleniya motivipovannye self-understanding
[Key: 12 | 2310]
He is afraid that the situation may become unreliable or uncertain. Afraid
void of loneliness. Therefore hypersensitive stress
ensures that relate thereto, with due care and securely
guarantee his safety.
Emotional nastpoennost of determination of a person
[Key: 13 | R3210]
Extremely annoyed condition that it does not satisfy. Needs
special attention. In order to relieve stress and find peace,
He wants to quickly meet their needs.
Evaluation of his "I", will tvepdost
[Key: 13 | G0321]
Strains willpower to overcome with the desire to implement
inappropriate demands or with the desire to give in to a stranger
influence. Certainly, not paying attention to the difficulties or temptations wants
Irritability, impulsivity
[Key: 13 | B2310]
The cordial relations claim to unrestricted reciprocity, but,
Meanwhile, fears that have to be disappointed or lose love.
In order to somehow stabilize their emotional tone, trying to keep
themselves independently, however, because of the high sensitivity test
suffering, if not met by partner etc.