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of tons and tons of p and

in our country is growing interest in Chinese traditional medicine has begun

developed many centuries ago. Many valuable Taken from her and after

rigorous scientific testing has been successfully used in modern medicine.

The material presented in this brochure is taken from the literature

sources available at the department of physiotherapy Beijing

Medical School, and obtained by the study of various systems

ancient Chinese gymnastics exhibited folk doctors and

instructors in Beijing, Shanghai and beydahe. Great help in the selection

material for brochure gave us Dr. Qu Mian-yu (Beijing) and the People's Doctor

Liu Kuan-jin (beydahe), which the author expresses his deep gratitude.

Among the centuries-old cultural heritage of ancient China has come down to

today, of great interest is the national gymnastics

used folk doctors in medical purposes. In an era

Han dynasty (II century BC. E.) in China lived the famous physician Hua Tuo, who

along with a variety of therapeutic agents are widely applied exercises. Hua

He wrote: "The movement helps digestion, good movement of blood,

It prevents disease. "" If the door handle frequent moves, it does not rust.

And man, if he moves a lot, he does not get sick (not exposed

rottenness "- w e \u200b\u200bn.) Another physician and philosopher of ancient China chzhdan-chu

He said that, doing gymnastics, a man breathes deeply, and with a deep

breath "comes out of it old, spoiled, as it enters a new

fresh. "After the victorious conclusion of the long struggle of the Chinese

the people for their liberation from the capitalist and colonial oppression

Modern China has created favorable conditions for the development of all forms

national culture, including the national physical culture.

One characteristic of the development of physical culture and sports in the modern

China is massive. It is no exaggeration to say that the various

forms of physical culture and sports are engaged millions of people. Especially wide

Distribution received morning hygienic gymnastics, gymnastics,

conducted in the second half of the day. The form and nature of exercises

morning hygienic gymnastics are very diverse. Many persons

especially young women (workers, employees, students) perform

Exercises such as hygienic gymnastics complex TRP. Those same elderly

age prefer to engage in the morning the Chinese national

gymnastics, has several forms, or styles (co-ling, Tai di, party,

Mei-hua and so on. D.) In recent years, physical training organizations and bodies

China's health are broad advocacy of national gymnastics.

This kind of study Physical Education and osvaevaetsya and China Youth. Yet

Chinese gymnastics enthusiasts are mostly persons

Seniors who with exceptional tenacity and perseverance in

For many years, in the morning doing a kind of complex movements

Chinese hygienic gymnastics, helping them to maintain health. The

gardens and parks of Chinese cities every day you can watch the individual

and small groups of people, mostly elderly, dealing

This gymnastics. Among Chinese youth, it is known as

"Gymnastics old"). No wonder a person regularly engaged in this

gymnastics, although they are already in a very "respectable" age (60-70-80

s), do not look decrepit old man, they are healthy and cheerful

the range of possible disability. As directed by Shen to achieve

Chinese health and longevity should be hygienic gymnastics

engaged twice a day - in the morning, sitting in bed, and in the second half

day, outdoors (in the park, in the park or in the yard of the house