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Final exam RFEI Psychology and Pedagogy 70 questions.

1.Kto of medical psychologists proved the usefulness of the biological nature of laughter?

2. What the concept formed the basis of the concept of emotional intelligence?

3. How many percent of mental activity is carried out deliberately?

4. How to properly respond to the child's phrase, "I am afraid of monsters?"

5. How is the ability to customize their emotions on the "wave" experiences of others?

6. How is called the doctrine of the relationship between the appearance of man and his belonging to a certain type of personality?

7. As part of its potential intellectual capabilities person uses?

8. How is a condition that occurs in a situation of frustration, non-exercise of any meaningful human purpose needs?

9. Select the correct statement:

10. How to help the person who experiences grief?

11.Select a true statement:

12.Mozhet a person to focus their attention on several things at the same time?

13.Pochemu the human brain is not working at full capacity?

14.dostatochnoe amount of time on the air?

15.Vyberite true statement:

16. As referred to a mental disorder, is the inability to recognize the feelings and emotions?

17.Kak help yourself to focus on one thing?

18.Vliyaet whether active mind on human health?

19.Kak better remember a thing?

20.Vyberite true statement:

21. As called the art and techniques of memorization?

22.Kak do if you find it hard to remember anything?

23. In any case, the new information will be assimilated more successfully?

24. As the senses are called direct?

25.Mozhno Do develop your skills?

26.Kakoy mental process in the first place is deteriorating while reducing mental activity?

27.Pochemu some people better remember the countryside, while others worse?

28.Vyberite certain line of reasoning:

29.Chto to do if you notice a decrease in mental activity?

30. As to memorize a list of any words?

31. As is the ability to make correct decisions, bypassing the interim results?

32.Dlya which is used technique of joining?

33.Vyberite the point at which the planets of the solar system listed in order from closest to the Sun to the farthest?

34. As hemispheres of the brain work?

35.Kakie senses called indirect?

36.Kak works intuition?

37.Chto do if you think your friend you offended?

38.Pochemu under stress useful laugh?

39.Kakoy of the main questions in the study of intelligence?

40.Prodolzhite phrase. Weak memory is ...

41.Kak is the ability of thinking, rational knowledge?

42.Chto factor G is in the theory of intelligence Spearman?

43.Kak understand the expression "perceptual abilities?"

44.Kak Thurstone called various aspects of general intelligence?

45.Chto is abstract intelligence?

46. \u200b\u200bAs is characterized by involuntary attention?

47.Kak understand the expression "verbal perception"?

48.Vpechatleniya transmitted what senses, easily recalled?

49.Chto factor S is in the theory of intelligence Spearman?

50.Chto this accommodation?

51.Skolko stages of intellectual development of the child, Piaget singled out?

52.Izvestno that for the development of memory need to develop attention. What other factor necessary for the perfect memory?

53.Kak should understand the expression "cognitive ability"?

54.Kto of the scientists first introduced the concept of intelligence quotient?

55.Kak linked the degree of voluntary attention and the degree of human development?

56.Pravda whether that person has a high IQ, can achieve great success in life?

57.Kak understand the expression "mnemonic abilities?"

58.V What is the Flynn effect?

59.Dva any process, according to the theory of Piaget's stages, including the process of adaptation?

60.Chto arose earlier - the mind or emotions?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
61.Vyberite true statement:

62.Vyberite true statement:

63.Vyberite true statement:

64.Kak characterized by arbitrary


65.Vyberite true statement:

66.Pravda whether that body can get the stress of joyful experiences?

67.Kakie people have voluntary attention, and what - involuntary?

68.Chto may impair productivity and vitality of man?

69.Skolko feeling is able to recognize people in their late teens?

70.Kakie people monitoring scientists, tend to become centenarians?