2.41 $
Loyalty discount! If the amount of your purchases from the seller Teodot is more than:
😶 No Discount
✅ 1. Specify the required number of keys.
✅ 2. Specify your trading link
✅ 3. After payment, the system will automatically redirect to the site to complete the order
✅ 4. The keys will be sent immediately.
✅ 5. Sell the keys on the Steam marketplace and receive the balance
✅ 1. Follow the link. If it doesn't show any errors, then the exchange is working.
✅ 2. If you have a free version of TF2, you can store a maximum of 50 items in your inventory
✅ 3. To receive the goods, your inventory in the privacy settings must be open to everyone!
Privacy settings: http://steamcommunity.com/my/edit/settings
✅ 4. After changing the nickname, the exchange is not available for 2 hours!