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Tests History answers Synergy 30 questions, rating Excellent.
The author of "History of the Russian State" is ...
S.F. Platonov
N.M. Karamzin
CM. Soloviev
V.N. Tatishchev

It is not true that one of the special (auxiliary) historical disciplines is ...
source study

The “Great Reforms” complex of Alexander II included ...
pricing reform
the introduction of universal conscription
transition to a federal government
institution of the State Duma

The parameters of the Russian liberal project include ...
criticism of capitalism
recognition of the “struggle of classes” as the main factor in historical progress
preservation of the class hierarchy
the presence of a European-style parliament

The fundamental issues of public life in Russia after the February Revolution were supposed to be addressed ...
Interim government
All-Russian Congress of Soviets
State Duma
Constituent assembly

Boris Godunov became the ruler of Russia ...
according to the will of Ivan the Terrible
as a result of election by the estate representative body
following the election of the Boyar Duma
as a result of the seizure of power

In the first century of its existence, the Old Russian state was ...
powerful republic with a developed state apparatus
internally unified state formation leading an active foreign policy
fragile federation of certain territories paying tribute to the center
a centralized state with a developed apparatus, actively connecting neighboring territories

The distinguishing features of the NEP were: ...
private enterprise revival and monetary reform
forced labor and the introduction of long-term planning elements
the introduction of free utilities and the planting of communes in villages

The author of "History of Russia from the Most Ancient Times" is ...

V.N. Tatishchev
N.M. Karamzin
CM. Soloviev
S.F. Platonov

The Josephites held opinions that were based on opinions ...
the lack of monastic land ownership
about the detachment of monks from earthly concerns
about the divine nature of grand ducal power

The reign of Nicholas I is characterized by ...
liberal reforms in the press and education
the beginning of the industrial revolution
the emergence of "military settlements"
strengthening local government

The reign of Alexander I is characterized by ...
strengthening the regime of autocracy at the beginning of the reign
succession regulation
Senate institution

"Enlightened absolutism" is a policy characteristic of government ...
Alexander I
Peter the Great
Catherine II
Elizaveta Petrovna

In 2004, he became the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation ...
M. Kasyanov
M. Fradkov
V. Putin
V. Chernomyrdin

The economic policies of industrialization and collectivization contributed to ...
overcoming the catastrophic consequences of World War I and the Civil War
the creation of a state that relies entirely on its internal resources
development of private enterprises in the country based on the personal interest of the employee as a result of labor

Among the features of Russian absolutism of the XVIII century can be called ...
the existence of the institution of patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church
a large role of the noble militia
functioning of the Zemsky Cathedral
palace coups

The parameters of the Russian conservative project include ...
abolition of historical estates
criticism of the "despotism" of the Russian monarchy
preservation of traditional religious consciousness - as the highest form of public morality
faith in the ability of the advanced Russian intelligentsia to lead the politically illiterate masses in the direction of a fair reconstruction
of society

The Kontrreform Alexander III complex included ...
military counter-reform
jury cancellation
circular "On Cooking Children"
return of serfdom

Events of the Crimean war belong to the period ...
The following political model was characteristic of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality:
strengthening the position of the nobility
the development of democratic rule of law
strong princely power and tendencies towards centralization
close cooperation of princely power, veche, and boyars

Among the reasons for the defeat of Russia in the First World War were ...
selfish interests of the allies of Russia
incapacity for thoughtful actions and corruption of the country's ruling elite
activity of the bolshevik party
palace coups

The leader of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs) was ...
P ... A. Kropotkin
G.V. Plekhanov
V.M. Chernov
P.N. Milyukov

The new phenomena of the economic life of Russia in the 17th century became ...
the appearance of manufactories
introduction of poll tax
abolition of localism

Among the prerequisites for the creation of an old Russian state it is necessary to name ...
social and property stratification
adoption of Christianity
calling of the Varangians

Among the reforms of public administration carried out during the reign of Alexander I, we can distinguish ...
the appearance of the Council of State arising in accordance with the plan of M.M. Speransky
emergence of the Supreme Privy Council
convocation of the Stated Commission

The final collapse of Ancient Russia into separate independent territories occurred after the death of the prince ...
Vladimir Monomakh
Yaroslav the Wise
Yuri Dolgoruky
Mstislav the Great

Among the reasons that caused the crisis of Russian statehood at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries, we can name ...
consequences of the oprichnina and the Livonian war
monetary reform and church reform
struggle with the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates

The author of "Lectures on Russian History" is ...
V.N. Tatishchev
N.M. Karamzin
CM. Soloviev
S.F. Platonov

The Eastern Slavs of the pagan period worshiped the gods:
Mokosh and Zeus
Perun and Janus
Dazhdbogu and Horse
Yarile and Mars

It is not true that he belonged to populist organizations in Russia ...
Circle D.I. Blagoeva
Circle N.V. Tchaikovsky
"Earth and Will"
"People’s will"

The 1977 Constitution enshrined the situation ...
to exacerbate the class struggle
on the leading role of the CPSU in the leadership of the state and society
about the dictatorship of the proletariat
on building communism by 1980

A characteristic feature of the policy of "war communism" was ...
functioning of joint stock companies
nationalization of large enterprises
the possibility of economic self-government