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Introduction 9


Preliminary analysis: what to do with the picture? Introduction 17 The definition of "quality" 18 Color Manipulation - why should they? 19 Is it necessary to match the original? 19 Compliance with the sense 22 23 Judge standard CMYK 24 are investigated with eight channels 27 colors and their additions 28 30 Great opportunities curves means that you will need


Correction by the numbers

Introduction 37 The general approach to grading 38 Magic Numbers 39 Find what sure 41 How to use this book begins to form curves 44 45 Give me your boring image here 46 Let your boring cars intentions photographer 50 48 Avoid the impossible: how to determine the number of professionals with 51 White 53 horse bettors Numbers 54 and 58 work


Steeper curve - more contrast Entry If only 59 mice were caught 61 images in high and low-key 63 Play the game on a large 65 How important to us snow? 67 Auto Color Correction results 71 Contrast and pay for it 74


Sharpen with a jeweler's precision accession of Cheating 77 Four 78 Congenital USM 78 What's the problem: Look close 80 Is it too small these pictures? 82 A few more tips numbers 83 to 85 is not evident luster and shine 87 90 Precision, accuracy, and precision ... again Beware lightening halos 90 92 96 A few tips


Poetry merger forms

Introduction 97 100 Continuous trouble What is Heather Berry 102 with chubby cheeks 104 Step by step 105 Robes of the last century 107 Red scarf

110 Grace as a gift in the schedule 112


A key channel correction

Entry 115 Hypothetical color space 116 Black as tangerine 119 GCR: when in doubt, do not touch the 120 when the more black - the better flexibility when printing 123 124 GCR 125 for repeating images of pollution and Custom CMYK 125 Scheduling OCR-127 Bringing contrast correction in neutral colors 128 129 Prince of Darkness How to keep the details in the shadows of 131 If we sum the shade 137 that you have with your eyes? GCR 138 eliminates the need for trapping Real equivalents 140 141 colors Pantone 143 all fits perfectly


RGB is a CMY

The entry with the participation of 153 Overture "police paint" 154 arrives on the scene dot gain curve 157 Simple Prologue 159 Foreign 160 shades of leaving the scene On the scene contrast is 162 channels go-contrast lighting installation 163 166 Blue encore 167 Epilogue: RGB-output? 168


HSB - this LAB

Entry 171 bird, bird, where are you from? 172 How to avoid overlapping of bright colors 173 saturation and the effect of distance L 174 Taming channel 176 both simple and complex at the same time old photo Beauty 178 181 Experimenting with 182 A and 184 A Few Tips And yet - it's great 187 Top 188 channels blur the Declaration on 188 Gradually independence everywhere ... 192


All color spaces are the same

Entry 195 Rely on common sense 197 Take what you have gathered 198 ... From 200 matches Time changes Confusion 202 204 Each blue speck 206 opens the door to heaven 208 Do not hesitate, all mixed 212 fly, 213 doves prefer Which space 214 sum line 215 Better grab them fast 215 Finally it's over 217 to finish what began 218


Reach resemblance

Entry 221 Dandruff, cancer and halitosis 222 224 essence of spirituality traditional method 225 Unreliable Unreliable Unreliable alternative to the general view 227 228 230 dustbin of history best of both worlds 235 scientists and artists solid 235 Chinese grammar 237 238 Look for repeatable system that

It operates 240 Best 241 meter


Managing the process of color separation Introduction Corrective Action 245 246 248 A matter of taste and techniques EIAM RSSM 249 The law is harsh, but just 250 Compliance workflow Photoshop 5251 New plants
Weight colored illustrations and examples.