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As you have probably noticed in Sapa deficit PR. Links from PR 2-4 odds with a bang at inflated prices in two.

I present to you a unique manual lifting PR from 3 to 6 on your sites.

The methodology presented five ways to get PR.

One of them is, in the public domain - I just wrote it as a supplement.

All the way to write clear and accessible language.

A small FAQ.

How much PR will each method?

First method will 3-4 unit PR.

2nd way to give 2-3 units PR.

Third way to give: a lot of PR.

4-D way to give 1-2 units of PR.

5 way to give 5-6 units of PR.

How much money is required to achieve a PR?

All methods are free, except for the 5th. You will have to fork out 30-50 bucks, but it's worth it, believe me (PR 5-6)

How much time to achieve PR?

There is hard to say, someone will be able to automate this (if you have programming skills), (and, I think, you can write a script for Human Emulator)

In the first method will require 1-3 hours of leisurely (it all depends on the person)

On the second to 1 minute.

On 3rd indefinitely.

On the 4th of 5-10 minutes.

On the 5th is not a lot, but as I wrote earlier - have to fork out.

The first method gives a PR 1 page 4, 19 pages with PR 3 and PR 3 page 2 where you can safely (free) to leave a link.

Warning. I can give a guarantee for PR 3-4, if done all that is written.
Updated: July 5, 2010.

Hurry. Bestselling limited.

Barter also offer blog owners in exchange for the technique. You get the technique, read it and write a review about it on his blog, with reference to (on this occasion to write to the soap: xw111 [@] inbox.ru)

Be positive feedback along with your e-mail and get updates on the e-mail.

Forum Discussion: http://www.maultalk.com/topic59023s0.html

Comments about:

1. http://www.maultalk.com/ipb.html?s=&showtopic=59023&view=findpost&p=688610

2. http://www.maultalk.com/ipb.html?s=&showtopic=59023&view=findpost&p=688622

3. http://immaker.net/archives/1699

4. http://ihakimov.ru/5-sposobov-povysheniya-pr

5. http://fewal.ru/obzory/obzor-metodiki-po-podnyatiyu-pr

6. http://blog-invest.ru/podnimaem-pr-vashemu-sajtu/

7. http://bit.ly/9rimaB

8. http://zircool.ru/articles/353-podnimaem-pr.html

9. http://programlesson.net/other/kak-podnyat-pr-sajta.html

10. http://webbomj.ru/news/ticprbablo

11. http://seonelegal.com/2010/kak-podnyat-pr/